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Find Breast Cancer Clinical Trials That Are Right For You
The clinical trials listed below are open in the U.S. for people with DCIS (stage 0), stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, or stage 4 (metastatic)
breast cancer. Clinical trials are available for people who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, currently in treatment, experiencing
breast cancer recurrence, living with metastatic disease, as well as breast cancer survivors who have completed treatment.
Use the search box and filters to find a trial that’s right for you.
Currently viewing trials
(Last updated: February 15, 2025)
Brain Mets
BRCA1/2 (inherited)
Hormone Therapy
Leptomeningeal Disease
Radiation Oncology
Surgery: Reconstruction
Targeted Therapy: All
Targeted Therapy: ADC
Targeted Therapy: Anti-HER2 Therapy
Targeted Therapy: CDK Inhibitors
Targeted Therapy: PARP Inhibitors
Targeted Therapy: Tumor Mutations
Targeted Therapy: Other Targeted Therapy
Vaccines and Immunotherapy
Other Treatment
Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Decision Support
Diagnosing Breast Cancer
Genetics/Family History
Having Children
Healthy/High Risk
Managing Side Effects
No Travel Required
Predicting Response to Treatment
Preventing Breast Cancer
Preventing Recurrence
BRCA1/2 (tumor)
MET or C-Met
RAF (including BRAF)
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco,CA
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT05020574
Impact of Antibiotics on Infection and the Microbiome in People Receiving a Mastectomy
Microbiome and Association With Implant Infections: Investigating the Impact of Antibiotics on the Gut and Breast Microbiomes Post-mastectomy With Implant-based Breast Reconstruction Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cephalexin (Keflex®) antibiotic, before and during surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cephalexin (Keflex®) antibiotic, daily for at least 7 days after surgery</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cephalexin (Keflex®) antibiotic, before and during surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">No antibiotics after surgery (unless infection occurs)</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A mastectomy is surgery to remove a breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Women with a strong family history of breast cancer or a BRCA mutation may choose to undergo a mastectomy to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cephalexin (Keflex®) is an antibiotic used to prevent infection after surgery.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The microbiome consists of the many bacteria, viruses, and fungi found on your body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The harmful bacteria cause disease such as infection, and the beneficial bacteria help keep you healthy.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Mastectomy</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MedlinePlus: Cephalexin (Keflex®)</a> </li></ul>
Los Angeles,CA
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT05720039
Nipple Sparing Mastectomy with da Vinci SP Surgical System for Women with Stage I-III Breast Cancer
A Prospective, Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial(RCT) of the da Vinci® SPâ„¢ Surgical System vs Open Surgery in Nipple Sparing Mastectomy (NSM) Procedures Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Robotic-assisted nipple sparing mastectomy with da Vinci single port (SP) Surgical System</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Open nipple sparing mastectomy</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A mastectomy is surgery to remove a breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A nipple sparing mastectomy (NSM) leaves most of the healthy breast skin, including the nipple.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The da Vinci single port (SP) Surgical System is an experimental surgery system designed for surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgery, such as nipple sparing mastectomy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem"> Your surgeon performs the surgery using the da Vinci SP Surgical System.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The da Vinci SP Surgical System is approved for use during other surgeries.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Robotic-assisted NSM with da Vinci SP Surgical System may be less invasive than standard of care open NSM.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Intuitive Surgical Device Information Page: About the Da Vinci Surgical System</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cedars-Sinai: Nipple Sparing Mastectomy</a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 28 miles
Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Palo Alto,CA
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT05975359
Comparing Drains During Bilateral Mastectomy with Immediate Breast Reconstruction
A Pilot Study of the Interi Manifold With Traditional Surgical Drains in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following during surgery: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interi Drain on 1 breast</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Jackson-Pratt (JP) Drain on 1 breast</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Drain log, daily</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Drain removal, 1-3 weeks after surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">During implant-based breast reconstruction, surgical drains are placed to prevent fluid build up.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The most frequently used drain is a Jackson-Pratt (JP) Drain.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The Interi Drain system may work better than the JP Drain system.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 1500 miles
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City,KS
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT06091241
Comparing 2 Ways to Control Pain During Breast Reconstruction Surgery
ESPBs Vs TAPs for Satisfactory Analgesia Following DIEP Surgery Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Bupivacaine and dexamethasone, by injection into back, before reconstruction surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaire about pain, 4 times in 6 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Bupivacaine and dexamethasone, by injection into abdomen, by injection, before reconstruction surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaire about pain, 4 times in 6 months</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast reconstruction with a deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap involves using skin and fat from your abdomen to rebuild the breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Bupivacaine and dexamethasone are common anesthesia/pain medications for breast cancer surgery.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Giving bupivacaine and dexamethasone by injection into nerves in your back instead of abdomen may work better to control pain.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 1509 miles
UT Southwestern
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT05245812
Robotic Nipple Sparing Mastectomy for Women with DCIS, Stage I-III Breast Cancer, or at High Risk for Breast Cancer
Safety and Feasibility of Robotic Single-port (SP) Nipple Sparing Mastectomy: A Single Institution, Single Arm Pilot Trial Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Nipple sparing mastectomy with da Vinci single port (SP) Surgical System</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Immediate breast reconstruction with tissue expanders/implants and acellular dermal matrix (Alloderm®)</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A mastectomy is surgery to remove a breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A nipple sparing mastectomy (NSM) leaves most of the healthy breast skin, including the nipple.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The da Vinci single port (SP) Surgical System is an experimental surgery system designed for surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgery, such as nipple sparing mastectomy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The da Vinci SP Surgical System is approved for use during other surgeries.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Intuitive Surgical Device Information Page: Da Vinci Surgical System</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cedars-Sinai: Nipple Sparing Mastectomy</a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT06584396
Donating Tissue During Surgery to Study Reconstruction Risks
EMPOwER: Evaluating Mechanical Properties of Post-Mastectomy Skin Flaps to Estimate Reconstruction Risks Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tissue collection during surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tissue being collected is called a post-mastectomy skin flap.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study may help doctors improve reconstructive surgery.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 2375 miles
University of Virginia Medical Center
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT06428682
Tranexamic Acid to Reduce Blood Loss During Breast Reconstruction Surgery
Role of Intravenous Tranexamic Acid Use in Patients Undergoing Breast Free Flap Reconstruction: Randomized Controlled Trial Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: TXA During Surgery</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tranexamic acid (TXA), by IV during surgery</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: No TXA During Surgery</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Placebo for tranexamic acid (TXA), by IV during surgery</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a drug used to help blood clotting and reduce blood loss during some types of surgery.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A blood transfusion is when donated blood is given to you.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Tranexamic Acid</a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 2383 miles
Mayo Clinic in Florida
VISITS: Coincides with surgery
NCT ID: NCT06153836
Nerve Reconstruction to Maintain Feeling in the Nipple After Mastectomy for Women with Stage 0-II Breast Cancer
Randomized Feasibility Study to Determine the Feasibility of Neurotization of the Nipple Areolar Complex at the Time of Nipple Sparing Mastectomy and Prosthetic Based Reconstruction Scientific Title
- What's involved?
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Control</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care nipple-sparing mastectomy</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care nipple-sparing mastectomy with nerve graft</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A mastectomy is surgery to remove the breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Nerve damage can occur during a mastectomy. When nerves are damaged, you may feel numbness, also known as loss of sensation.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A nerve graft, also called nerve reconstruction, replaces nerves damaged during the mastectomy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This nerve graft surgery can be performed during nipple-sparing mastectomy and reconstruction and may maintain feeling in the nipple and improve quality of life.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Node negative means cancer has not spread to your lymph nodes.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>University of Nebraska: Restoring Nipple Sensation After Mastectomy</a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 2453 miles
Johns Hopkins Hospital
VISITS: Coincides with surgery, then 6 visits within 1.5 years
NCT ID: NCT04533373
Nerve Repair to Restore Sensation During Breast Reconstruction Surgery
The Effect of DIEP Flap Neurotization on Sensory Restoration After Breast Reconstruction Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Nerve repair during reconstruction surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast sensation measurements, 5 times within 1.5 years</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 5 times within 1.5 years</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Usual Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">No nerve repair during reconstruction surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast sensation measurements, 5 times within 1.5 years</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 5 times within 1.5 years</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sensory nerves, which are responsible for sensation from skin, are cut during breast surgery, and sensation is lost to the area supplied by the nerve.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Achieving breast sensation with nerve repair is a goal of reconstructive surgery after mastectomy.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>
NEAREST SITE: 2539 miles
Memorial Sloan Kettering Basking Ridge (Limited Protocol Activities)
Basking Ridge,NJ
VISITS: May require hospitalization
NCT ID: NCT05412225
Radiation Before Mastectomy with Immediate Reconstruction for Stage III Breast Cancer
Feasibility of Preoperative Radiotherapy in T4 Breast Cancer Patients Who Are Responders to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy to Allow for Immediate Reconstruction: A Prospective Study Scientific Title
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<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scan</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biopsy</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Radiation</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 2-6 weeks later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Total mastectomy with immediate autologous reconstruction</li></ul>
<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to damage cancer cell DNA. These x-rays stop cancer cells from dividing and growing, thus slowing or stopping tumor growth.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neoadjuvant therapy is when you receive treatment before surgery. Doctors use it to shrink tumors and to see how your cancer responds to the given therapies. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mastectomy is a type of surgery to remove the entire breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Immediate autologous reconstruction is breast reconstruction surgery immediately following your mastectomy. The surgeon will take tissue from another part of your body and use it to re-create your breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy. The MRI scan will help guide your biopsy before radiation and surgery.</li></ul>
<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Radiation Therapy</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Mastectomy</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Immediate Autologous Reconstruction</a> </li></ul>