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for Care Providers

BCT's services can help nurses, doctors, lay navigators and other health care providers identify breast cancer clinical trials that may be of interest to their patients.

All of our services are free, and our trial listings are written in highly readable, lay language, that will make it easier for your to discuss with your patients their different trial options.

Browse by Quickviews

BCT Quickviews provide 1-click, easy access to trials grouped by study type, such as prevention, biological therapy, and neoadjuvant therapy OR by patient type, such as metastatic triple negative or metastatic inflammatory breast cancer. You can email QuickView links to your patients for review either before or after their appointment.

BCT Matching Service

More personalized than QuickViews, our matching tool identifies trials based on a patient’s self-reported breast cancer history. With more than 500 trials in our registry, this is the most accurate way to quickly and efficiently hone in on study options keyed to trial eligibility criteria. Designed for patients, the Matching Service offers online help as well as phone and email support. Learn more about the BCT Matching Service.

BCT Navigator Portal

The Navigator Portal allows you to create and manage multiple BCT patient records under your own user name and password. Developed for nurse oncologists, case managers, community health workers, and lay navigators, the Navigator Portal makes it possible to brings the benefits of the BCT Matching Service to a wider range of patients.


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