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Find Breast Cancer Clinical Trials That Are Right For You

The clinical trials listed below are open in the U.S. for people with DCIS (stage 0), stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, or stage 4 (metastatic)
breast cancer. Clinical trials are available for people who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, currently in treatment, experiencing
breast cancer recurrence, living with metastatic disease, as well as breast cancer survivors who have completed treatment.

Use the search box and filters to find a trial that’s right for you.

Currently viewing trials
(Last updated: January 10, 2025)

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Brain Mets

BRCA1/2 (inherited)


Hormone Therapy

Leptomeningeal Disease

Radiation Oncology


Surgery: Reconstruction

Targeted Therapy: All

Targeted Therapy: ADC

Targeted Therapy: Anti-HER2 Therapy

Targeted Therapy: CDK Inhibitors

Targeted Therapy: PARP Inhibitors

Targeted Therapy: Tumor Mutations

Targeted Therapy: Other Targeted Therapy

Vaccines and Immunotherapy

Other Treatment



Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Decision Support

Diagnosing Breast Cancer

Genetics/Family History

Having Children

Healthy/High Risk



Managing Side Effects

No Travel Required

Predicting Response to Treatment

Preventing Breast Cancer

Preventing Recurrence








BRCA1/2 (tumor)










MET or C-Met






RAF (including BRAF)






Epic Care Partners in Cancer Care

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT03723928

Imaging and Tumor Mark Tests to Monitor Metastatic HR Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer

Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial Comparing Overall Survival of Patients Monitored With Serum Tumor Marker Directed Disease Monitoring (STMDDM) Versus Usual Care in Patients With Metastatic Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer (SWOG-S1703) Scientific Title

To study if blood tests that look for tumor markers are as good as or better than imaging with PET and/or CT scans (the current standard of care) to determine if a tumor is growing.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) hormone positive (ER+ and/or PR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer who are planning to have first line treatment for metastatic disease or have started treatment within the past month, and have at least one elevated tumor marker.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Standard of care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging (CT and/or PET scans), at least every 3 months, ongoing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor Marker Test, if ordered by your doctor</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor Marker Tests, every 1 to 2 months, ongoing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging (CT and/or PET scans), only if need is shown by a Tumor Marker Test</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Additional procedures</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood draws</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This imaging trial will compare using blood tests to PET/CT scans for monitoring tumor growth. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tumor markers that will be tested for in this study are CA 15-3, CA27.29, and CEA.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The imaging tests will be those ordered by your doctor.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03723928' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/symptoms/testing/types/blood_marker' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Blood Marker Tests</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.net/about-us/collaborations/top-five-list-oncology/choosing-wisely®-top-five-cancer-related-tests-procedures-and-treatments-many-patients-do-not-need/topic-4-follow-tumor-marker-tests-and-imaging-tests-people-treated-breast-cancer' target='_blank'>ASCO Cancer.net: Follow-up Tumor Marker Tests and Imaging Tests for People Treated for Breast Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/diagnosis-staging/diagnosis/tumor-markers-fact-sheet' target='_blank'>NCI: Tumor Markers</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://ozarkscancerresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SWOG-S1703.pdf' target='_blank'>Cancer Research for the Ozarks: Trial Information Page</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 336 miles
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles,CA

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT04297020

Studying the Effects of Anti-Estrogen Therapy on the Brain of Women with Stage I-III Breast Cancer

Brain Health in Breast Cancer Survivors: Interaction of Menopause and Endocrine Therapy Scientific Title

To see if anti-estrogen therapy affects brain health.
Who is this for?
Women between the ages of 35 and 65 who are currently taking anti-estrogen therapy for stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer and who did not receive chemotherapy. This trial is also enrolling women who have never been diagnosed with breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">1 Brain fMRI (functional MRI)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cognitive testing</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial will use an advanced brain MRI technique called functional MRI (fMRI).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">fMRI measures changes in blood flow that happen during mental activity. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Research suggests that the cognitive issues experienced by some women who receive treatment for breast cancer--also called <q>chemo brain</q>--may actually be caused by anti-estrogen therapy and not chemotherapy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04297020' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/932091' target='_blank'>MedScape: In Breast Cancer, Is Chemobrain Really Endocrine Brain?</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_magnetic_resonance_imaging' target='_blank'>Wikipedia: Functional MRI</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=fmribrain' target='_blank'>RadiologyInfo.org: fMRI</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 336 miles
Ethan Lam
Los Angeles,CA

VISITS: 2-3 visits


NCT ID: NCT04147494

PET/CT Scans Before Surgery for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

PET Biodistribution Study of 68Ga-PSMA-11 and 68Ga-FAPI-46 in Patients With Non-prostate Cancers: an Exploratory Study With Histopathology Validation Scientific Title

To study where 68Ga-FAPi-46 and 68Ga-PSMA-11 accumulate in normal and cancer tissues and whether PET/CT scans with 68Ga-FAPi-46 and 68Ga-PSMA-11 can help locate cancer in the body.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are planning to receive surgery to remove the primary tumor and/or metastasis.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">68Ga-FAPi-46, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FDG, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">68Ga-PSMA-11, by IV, 1 time (optional)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1 time (optional)</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for trial schedule</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">68Ga-FAPi-46 and 68Ga-PSMA-11 are experimental tracers for imaging scans that may help locate cancer in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FDG is a tracer routinely used for imaging scans that helps locate cancer in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The PET/CT scanner combines the PET and the CT scanners into a single device. This device combines the anatomic (body structure) information provided by the CT scan with the metabolic (body processes) information obtained from the PET scan. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04147494' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/patient-education/pet-ct-fdg' target='_blank'>Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: PET/CT Scans with 18F-FDG Tracer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-drug/def/gallium-ga-68-fapi-46' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: 68Ga-FAPi-46</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/gallium-ga-68-psma-11-intravenous-route/description/drg-20506366' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: 68Ga-PSMA-11</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 339 miles
Saint John's Cancer Institute
Santa Monica,CA

VISITS: 2 visits


NCT ID: NCT05710328

DIRECT: PET/CT Scan to Predict Response to Chemotherapy Before Surgery for Stage II-III HER2 Positive Breast Cancer

Interim FDG-PET/CT for PreDIcting REsponse of HER2+ Breast Cancer to Neoadjuvant Therapy: DIRECT Trial Scientific Title

To use of PET/CT scans with FDG to help doctors decide if a person needs more or less neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemotherapy to get the best response.
Who is this for?
People with stage II or stage III newly diagnosed HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer who have not yet received treatment.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan with FDG, by IV, 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">FDG is a radioactive tracer that is given in a vein before PET/CT scans to help identify areas of active cancer. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET and and CT scans are imaging techniques that make detailed, computerized pictures of areas inside the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05710328' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://ecog-acrin.org/clinical-trials/ea1211-direct-breast-cancer/' target='_blank'>ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group: Trial Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/research-news/certain-pet-scan-detects-recurrence-better' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: FDG PET/CT Scan</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 348 miles
Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center
Los Angeles,CA

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT06171607

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound to Identify Breast Masses

Characterizing Breast Masses Using an Integrative Framework of Machine Learning and Radiomics Scientific Title

To learn if using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) will help to determine if an ultrasound-guided biopsy is necessary.
Who is this for?
Women who are planning to receive an ultrasound-guided biopsy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) scan with Lumason or DEFINITY contrast agent, by IV, 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasounds use sound waves to produce images of structures within your body without using radiation. Ultrasounds are widely used to diagnose many diseases in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is an ultrasound given with a contrast agent that helps improve images obtained from the scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, Lumason and Perflutren are the contrast agents.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The scan will take 1-1.5 hours.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06171607' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/breast-biopsy' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Breast Biopsies</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/perflutren-lipid-microsphere-intravenous-route/side-effects/drg-20067608?p=1' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Perflutren Ultrasound Contrast Agent</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/sulfur-hexafluoride-lipid-type-a-microspheres-injection-route-intravenous-route/side-effects/drg-20405988?p=1' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Lumason Ultrasound Contrast Agent</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 353 miles
City of Hope Medical Center

VISITS: At least 6-9 visits within 6 months


NCT ID: NCT06260033

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy and FES PET/CT Scans for Oligoprogressive Metastatic ER+ Breast Cancer

A Phase II Trial of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy and Fluoroestradiol Positron Emission Tomography in Patients With Oligoprogressive Estrogen Receptor Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for oligoprogressive metastatic breast cancer.
Who is this for?
People with oligoprogressive metastatic (stage IV) estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer who have received 1-3 lines of therapy for metastatic disease.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), 3-5 sessions within 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan with FES, by IV, 3-4 times within 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Bone scan</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Oligoprogression refers to limited disease progression (1-4 metastases).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Currently, the standard of care treatment for oligoprogressive disease is to change treatment when progression occurs.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Radiation therapy uses high energy x-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is a type of radiation therapy that uses special equipment to position a patient and precisely deliver radiation. The total dose of radiation is divided into smaller doses (fractions) given over several days.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">SBRT helps keep normal tissue healthy and has been shown to improve survival.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial also tests how well PET/CT scans with FES works in identifying progressive disease.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">FES is a radioactive substance that binds to estrogen receptors and gives off radiation that can be detected by a PET scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06260033' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 353 miles
City of Hope Medical Center

VISITS: 1 visit every 1-2 months


NCT ID: NCT05376878

PET/MRI Scan to Determine Response to Treatment for People with Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer with Brain or Leptomeninges Metastasis

Pilot Study to Evaluate 64Cu-DOTA-Trastuzumab Imaging in Patients With HER2+ Breast Cancer With Brain Metastatsis Treated With Fam-Trastuzumab Deruxtecan Scientific Title

To find HER2+ breast cancer that has spread to the brain and predict response to treatment with trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®), an antibody drug conjugate (ADC).
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer that has spread to the brain or leptomeninges (brain or leptomeningeal metastasis) who are planning to receive treatment with trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab (Herceptin®), by IV, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">64Cu-DOTA-trastuzumab, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/MRI scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain MRI scan, every 1.5 months for 6 months, then every 2 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®), by IV, every 3 weeks</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">64Cu-DOTA-trastuzumab is an experimental tracer that detects cancer cells during imaging scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive tracer to look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The results of your PET/MRI scan will find the cancer in your brain and may predict your response to treatment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is a type of anti-HER2 targeted therapy used to treat HER2+ breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®) is an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">An antibody-drug conjugate is a type of therapy that combines an antibody that targets cancer cells with a therapy that can kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Because the antibody only targets cancer cells, the ADC does not kill normal cells, making it less likely to cause side effects.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®)'s antibody targets HER2 and delivers an anti-cancer drug called deruxtecan.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05376878' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cedars-sinai.org/programs/imaging-center/exams/nuclear-medicine/pet-mri.html' target='_blank'>Cedars-Sinai: PET/MRI Scan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/targeted-therapy/herceptin' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Trastuzumab (Herceptin®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/targeted-therapy/enhertu' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®)</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 533 miles
OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

VISITS: 4 visits


NCT ID: NCT05704062

MRI Scans to Predict and Evaluate Response to Chemotherapy Before Surgery for People with Stage I-III Breast Cancer

Multi-Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Modalities for Assessment of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Scientific Title

To study if MRI scans can earlier and more accurately predict and evaluate response to neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemotherapy.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who are planning to receive neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemotherapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scans, 4 times over the course of chemotherapy</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neoadjuvant therapy is when you receive treatment, like chemotherapy, before surgery. Doctors use it to shrink tumors and to see how your cancer responds to the given therapies. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is a type of scan that uses a very strong magnet and no radiation or x-ray energy to take very detailed pictures of parts of the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scans are often used as standard of care to take pictures of breast tumor(s) before and after chemotherapy treatment to measure the tumor size changes in response to treatment and plan for surgery.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scans are used because the images it takes are very clear and the borders of the tumor can be measured very accurately. However the tumor size alone is often not a good early indicator of whether or not the tumor responds to treatment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You will receive 4 MRI scans: before treatment, after the first treatment cycle, midway through treatment, and at the end of treatment.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05704062' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/breast-mri' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Breast MRI</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 533 miles
OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

VISITS: 3 visits within 6 weeks


NCT ID: NCT03270059

Gadolinium and Ferumoxytol with MRI Scans for Brain Metastasis

The Feasibility of Steady State CBV Mapping Using Ferumoxytol Immediately After Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of the CNS Scientific Title

To use ferumoxytol and gadolinium to improve the ability of MRI scans to image, diagnose, and study brain metastasis.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Gadolinium, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ferumoxytol, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scans</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ferumoxytol and gadolinium can increase the visibility of body structures in imaging such as MRI scans.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03270059' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mriquestions.com/ferumoxytol.html' target='_blank'>MRI Questions: Ferumoxytol</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/information-gadolinium-based-contrast-agents' target='_blank'>Food and Drug Administration: Gadolinium</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 533 miles
OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

VISITS: 2 visits within 1 week, then 2 visits within 2 months


NCT ID: NCT03649880

FMISO PET/CT and PET/MRI Scans for Brain Metastasis

Feasibility of [¹⁸F]-Fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) in Assessment of Malignant Brain Tumors Scientific Title

To study how well FMISO works with imaging techniques to detect tumor behavior and predict cancer progression.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">FMISO tracer, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan or PET/MRI scan, 2 scans within 1 week, then 2 scans within 2 months</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This imaging trial will use a tracer called ¹⁸F-fluoromisonidazole (FMISO).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">FMISO with PET/CT and PET/MRI imaging techniques produce images of the brain that may help investigators see how much oxygen is getting in the brain tumors.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The imaging techniques will study if brain tumor cells have low oxygen levels, called tumor hypoxia, which helps cancer cells grow.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03649880' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1418 miles
University of Nebraska Medical Center

VISITS: May require hospitalization


NCT ID: NCT01535430

Studying Speech, Movement, and Senses During Brain Surgery for Brain Metastasis

Assessment of Reorganization and Plasticity of Eloquent Function in Patients With Brain Tumors Scientific Title

To study how brain tumors affect your speech, movement, and senses and to develop new methods of diagnosing brain tumors.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cognitive testing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI and fMRI scans</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">DTI tractograms</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MEG studies</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Awake brain mapping and surgery to remove brain tumor</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A craniotomy is a type of brain surgery. The surgeon will remove part of your skull (cranium) to access your brain to remove the tumors.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You will be awake during the craniotomy to monitor how the surgery is affecting your speech, movement, and senses. Your scalp will be anesthetized, so you will not feel the operation or any pain.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You will receive cognitive testing, MRI and fMRI scans, DTI tractograms, and MEG studies before and after surgery.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cognitive tests study your cognition, which is your ability to think.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans produce brain images created by magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A DTI tractogram is a type of MRI scan that produces brain images created by radio waves and magnetic fields.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MEG studies measure the magnetic fields produced by your brain.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01535430' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://braintumorcenter.ucsf.edu/treatments/surgery/awake-brain-mapping-faq' target='_blank'>UCSF Brain Tumor Center: Awake Craniotomy</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1509 miles
UT Southwestern/Simmons Cancer Center-Dallas

VISITS: 4 visits


NCT ID: NCT04715958

Ultrasound Scans to Predict Response to Chemotherapy Before Surgery for Stage I-III Breast Cancer

Monitoring Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer Using 3D Subharmonic Aided Pressure Estimation Scientific Title

To study if ultrasound scans with perflutren (Definity®), an experimental contrast dye, can predict response to chemotherapy.
Who is this for?
Women with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who are planning to receive chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasound scan with perflutren (Definity®), by IV, 3 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Utrasound scan, 4 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Perflutren (Definity®) is an experimental contrast dye used to create better images during ultrasounds. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The ability of cancer treatment to work is affected by the pressure in the cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasound scans use sound waves to produce images of structures within your body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The ultrasound scan in this trial, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, may be able to detect pressures in cancer and therefore predict response to chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant).</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04715958' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1509 miles
UT Southwestern Medical Center

VISITS: 1-2 visits


NCT ID: NCT03067467

Metabolic Differences Between Brain Metastases and Normal Brain Tissue

Investigating Metabolic Characteristics of Intracranial Malignancy In Vivo Using Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) Scientific Title

To look at how the metabolism of brain metastases differs from normal tissue.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastases) and who have not received prior chemotherapy or radiation for these metastases.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will undergo the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain MRSI (a type of MRI), with contrast, by IV</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRSI (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging) is a technique used to visualize tumor metabolism in real-time.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Learning how the metabolism of brain metastases differs from normal tissue may lead to the development of new targeted therapies.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03067467' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1584 miles
University of Minnesota

VISITS: Please contact research site


NCT ID: NCT05755399

Ultrasound Compared to MRI to Image Brain Tumors Before Surgery

Feasibility of Transcranial Focused Ultrasound to Measure Brain Tumor Scientific Title

To compare the ability of ultrasound and MRI to image brain tumors.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are planning to receive brain surgery.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following during brain surgery: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scan</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasound</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the standard imaging method for the brain.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">It may be easier to take multiple images at different times with non-invasive ultrasound compared to MRI.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05755399' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

VISITS: 1-2 visits within 6 months


NCT ID: NCT06058650

Molecular Breast Imaging to Guide Biopsy

Pilot Clinical Study to Evaluate Molecular Breast Imaging- Guidance for Sampling of Breast Abnormalities Scientific Title

To study how well molecular breast imaging (MBI) helps guide the collection of cells during a breast biopsy.
Who is this for?
Women who previously received breast imaging with mammography, ultrasound, MRI, or molecular breast imaging (MBI).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Biopsy Not Recommended or Previous Imaging/Biopsy Showed Benign (Normal) Results</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium Tc-99m sestamibi, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI), 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Biopsy Recommended</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium Tc-99m sestamibi, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI), 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast biopsy</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Collection of abnormal cells during a biopsy is often guided by either ultrasound or mammography in order to ensure that a sample of the correct part of the breast is taken.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sometimes abnormal tissue cannot be seen on ultrasound or mammography, and therefore, a biopsy guided with ultrasound or mammography may not always be accurate.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI) is a method for detecting abnormal cells on a scan that uses injection of a radioactive tracer. Breast cancer cells take up this tracer more than normal cells, and this allows doctors to see the cancer cells on a scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium Tc-99m sestamibi is the tracer used in this study.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MBI may improve the detection of some breast tumors.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06058650' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/molecular-breast-imaging' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Molecular Breast Imaging</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1634 miles
Clinical Trial Site

VISITS: 2 visits within 1 week


NCT ID: NCT06008483

CycloSam Bone-Targeting Radioactive Drug for Metastatic Breast Cancer with Bone Metastases

A Dose Finding Study of CycloSam® (153-Sm-DOTMP) to Treat Solid Tumor(s) in the Bone or Metastatic to the Bone (Metastatic Prostate, Breast, and Lung, Osteosarcoma, Ewing's Sarcoma, and Other Solid Tumor(s) to the Bone All Eligible) Scientific Title

To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of CycloSam®, an experimental radioactive drug.
Who is this for?
People with stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer that has spread to the bone who have no standard treatment options available.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CycloSam®, by IV, 2 times within 1 week</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scans</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CT scans</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CycloSam®, also known as 153-Sm-DOTMP, is an experimental radiation therapy drug called a radiopharmaceutical or radioactive drug.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CycloSam® travels to the bone and delivers radiation only to tumors in the bone.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06008483' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://qsambio.com/cyclosam/' target='_blank'>QSAM Biosciences: What is CycloSam®?</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/types/metastatic/bone-metastasis' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Metastasis to the Bone</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1635 miles
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT05989893

Studying Language in People with Metastatic Breast Cancer with Brain Metastases

Comparative Analysis of Structural and Functional Characteristics of Brain Regions Measured by Functional Imaging AND Electrophysiology and Hemispheric Laterality Predicted by Structural Connectivity and Fronto-basal-ganglia Circuits for Selective Stopping and Braking and Diffusion Imaging for Seizure Focus Localization AND Representation and Bi... Scientific Title

To study brain function in people with brain tumors.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scan</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Language tasks</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast cancer that has spread to the brain can cause various problems, depending on where the tumor is located in the brain.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05989893' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: 2 visits within 3 months


NCT ID: NCT05056844

Mammogram with Contrast to Detect Breast Cancer in Women with Abnormal Nipple Discharge

Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM) for the Evaluation of Pathologic Nipple Discharge: A Pilot Study Scientific Title

To learn if contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) is better than standard mammography for determining the cause of nipple discharge and detecting breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women with abnormal fluid coming from the nipple (discharge) who receive care at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. You must not have been diagnosed with breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Digital tomosynthesis mammography</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A mammogram is a breast cancer screening procedure involving taking an x-ray picture of the breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammograms can identify areas of concern, but many areas (lesions) turn out to not be cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) is similar to standard mammography, but it includes an intravenous (by vein) injection of contrast, which makes tissue and blood vessels more visible in scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CESM may increase the chance of finding breast cancers and decrease unnecessary biopsies.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A breast tomosynthesis (DBT) mammogram takes multiple pictures of your breast from more angles than a standard mammogram.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05056844' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/what-is-a-contrast-enhanced-mammogram.h00-159701490.html' target='_blank'>MD Anderson Cancer Center: What is a Contrast-Enhanced Mammogram?</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/15939-digital-breast-tomosynthesis-and-breast-cancer-screening' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: Breast Tomosynthesis</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05118295

SAVI Scout Device to Find Breast Tumor Before Lumpectomy for Stage I-III Breast Cancer

Single Step Lesion Annotation and Localization of Suspicious Breast Lesions Scientific Title

To study the safety and ability of the SAVI Scout reflector to find breast tumors before a lumpectomy.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, or some stage III breast cancer who are planning to receive a lumpectomy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Placement of SAVI Scout reflector in your breast or lymph node, through a needle, during mammogram or ultrasound</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The SAVI Scout reflector is an FDA-approved device that is implanted into your breast or lymph node through a needle during a mammogram or ultrasound. The device helps your surgeon find your tumor that will be removed during a lumpectomy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The SAVI Scout reflector will also be removed during a lumpectomy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A lumpectomy is sometimes called a partial mastectomy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05118295' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.pennmedicine.org/cancer/types-of-cancer/breast-cancer/breast-cancer-treatment/lumpectomy/savi-scout' target='_blank'>University of Pennsylvania: SAVI Scout System</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/surgery/lumpectomy' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Lumpectomy</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
MD Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT05394259

PET/CT Scan for Detecting Metastasis in Lobular Breast Cancer

A Pilot Study to Assess the Clinical Utility of PYLARIFY PET-CT for Detecting Metastasis in Pancreatic Cancer, Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To determine whether PET/CT scans with piflufolastat F18 (PYLARIFY®) can be used to detect metastasis of breast cancer.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) lobular breast cancer or stage I, stage II, or stage III lobular breast cancer that is suspected to have spread.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Piflufolastat F18 (PYLARIFY®), by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Piflufolastat F18 (PYLARIFY®) is a tracer that is used to detect metastasis in people with prostate cancer. This trial will determine if it can also be used for breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05394259' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/piflufolastat-f-18-intravenous-route/description/drg-20516701' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Piflufolastat F18 (PYLARIFY®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/tests/pet-ct-scan' target='_blank'>Cancer Research UK: PET/CT Scan</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: 2 visits within 2 weeks


NCT ID: NCT05042687

Molecular Breast Imaging Scan for Women at High Risk of Breast Cancer

Comparative Performance of Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Breast in Identifying and Excluding Breast Carcinoma in Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To compare the accuracy of molecular breast imaging (MBI) to breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women at high risk for breast cancer who are planning to receive a breast MRI.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast MRI scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 2 weeks later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI) scan with technetium99m (Tc99m), by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI) is a method for detecting abnormal cells on a scan that uses injection of a radioactive tracer. Breast cancer cells take up this tracer more than normal cells, and this allows doctors to see the cancer cells on a scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium99m (Tc99m) is the tracer used in this study.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">If you do not speak English, an interpreter will help you translate.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05042687' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/molecular-breast-imaging/about/pac-20394710' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Molecular Breast Imaging</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05342454

MRI Scans to Improve Brain Surgery for People with Brain Metastases

A Comprehensive Clinical fMRI Software Solution to Enable Mapping of Critical Functional Networks and Cerebrovascular Reactivity in the Brain Scientific Title

To use MRI scans and CVR mapping to develop a new software to improve brain surgery.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are planning on receiving a fMRI before brain surgery.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">fMRI scans</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CVR mapping</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for trial schedule</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A functional MRI (fMRI) scan measures changes in blood flow that happen during mental activity.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) mapping measures changes in blood flow to your brain.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05342454' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info/fmribrain' target='_blank'>RadiologyInfo.org: Functional MRI (fMRI)</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: 1 to 2 visits


NCT ID: NCT03604315

An Experimental PET/CT Scan to Find PARP-Expressing Tumor Cells

Serial Imaging of the Novel Radiotracer [^18F] FLuorthanatrace ([^18F] FTT) by PET/CT Scientific Title

To study the safety and effectiveness of using a PET/CT scan with the experimental tracer F-18.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer or DCIS.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">F-18 tracer, by IV, then a PET/CT scan</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tracer used in this imaging trial is called fluorine F 18 fluorthanatrace (F-18)--it binds to PARP expressing tumor cells (PARP is a protein over expressed in certain cancers). </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You do not need to have an inherited BRCA1/2 mutation to enroll in this trial but researchers are studying whether F-18 works better in inherited BRCA1/2+ cancers. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of solid tumors.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03604315' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/10123-pet-scan' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: PET Scan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-drug/def/fluorine-f-18-fluorthanatrace' target='_blank'>NCI Drug Dictionary: Fluorine F 18 Fluorthanatrace</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: 6 visits within up to 1 year


NCT ID: NCT06015295

PET/CT Scans with 18F-Fluciclovine for Detecting Progression of Brain Metastasis During Immunotherapy

A Pilot Study to Assess the Clinical Utility of 18F-Fluciclovine (Axumin) PET-CT for Detecting True-versus Pseudo-Progression of Brain Metastases on Immunotherapy Scientific Title

To learn if PET/CT scans with 18F-Fluciclovine (Axumin) can be used to better detect brain metastases in people who are receiving immunotherapy.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are receiving immunotherapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scans with 18F-Fluciclovine (Axumin), at least 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-Fluciclovine (Axumin) is an experimental tracer for imaging scans that may help locate cancer in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The PET/CT scanner combines the PET and the CT scanners into a single device. This device combines the anatomic (body structure) information provided by the CT scan with the metabolic (body processes) information obtained from the PET scan.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06015295' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1678 miles
University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center

VISITS: 1 visit every 3 to 4 weeks, ongoing


NCT ID: NCT04174352

Imaging to Personalize Amount of Tamoxifen in Advanced, ER+, HER2- Breast Cancer With a ESR1 Mutation

A Pilot Study of FES Imaging to Optimize Tamoxifen Dose for Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients With ESR1 Mutations Scientific Title

To study if FES-PET/CT scans can help find a personalized dose of tamoxifen (Nolvadex®).
Who is this for?
People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV), estrogen receptor positive (ER+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer that tests positive for a ESR1 mutation.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tamoxifen (Nolvadex®), by mouth, daily, ongoing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">FES PET/CT scan, every 3 to 4 weeks, ongoing</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tamoxifen (Nolvadex®) is an anti-estrogen therapy used to treat hormone-sensitive breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ESR1 mutations in breast cancer may affect how well tamoxifen works against tumor cells. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tracers are chemicals that are used to find cancer cells in the body during a PET scan. The imaging trial will use the tracer fluoroestradiol (FES)--it finds estrogen receptors in breast tumors. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The FES tracer may also show how tamoxifen is affecting your tumors. Researchers may use this information to increase your dose of tamoxifen.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Targets or mutations: ESR1</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04174352' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.net/research-and-advocacy/asco-care-and-treatment-recommendations-patients/hormonal-therapy-metastatic-breast-cancer' target='_blank'>ASCO Cancer.net: Hormonal Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/hormonal/serms/tamoxifen' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Tamoxifen</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.targetedonc.com/view/more-effective-therapies-needed-for-patients-with-esr1mutated-breast-cancer' target='_blank'>Targeted Oncology: More Effective Therapies Needed For Patients With ESR1-Mutated Breast Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/481428' target='_blank'>Journal Article: Are We Ready to Use ESR1 Mutations in Clinical Practice</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='http://www.ijcem.com/files/ijcem0076055.pdf' target='_blank'>Journal Article: The Role of PET Imaging Probes for Early Monitoring the Response to Tamoxifen</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1678 miles
UW Carbone Cancer Center

VISITS: 1-2 visits within 1.5 months


NCT ID: NCT06086704

Breast PET/MRI Scan with 18F-FFNP Before Treatment

Phase II Study of 18F-FFNP Breast PET/MRI in the Assessment of Early Response of Breast Cancer to Presurgical Endocrine Therapy Scientific Title

To test how well PET/MRI scans with 18F-FFNP work for predicting response to hormone therapy before surgery.
Who is this for?
Postmenopausal women with stage I, stage II, or stage III hormone receptor positive (ER+ and/or PR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer who are planning to receive a breast MRI scan before surgery. You must not be planning to receive neoadjuvant (before surgery) treatment.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Blood Tests During Scan</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FFNP, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Gadobenate dimeglumine gadolinium, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/MRI scan, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests, 5 times during the PET/MRI scan</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Scans Before and During Hormone Therapy</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FFNP, by IV, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Gadobenate dimeglumine gadolinium, by IV, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/MRI scan, 2 times within 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Anastrozole (Arimidex®), by mouth, daily for 2 weeks</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3: Scans Without Hormone Therapy</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FFNP, by IV, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Gadobenate dimeglumine gadolinium, by IV, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/MRI scan, 2 times within 1.5 months</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FFNP is a radioactive tracer that may be able to measure response to hormone therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Gadobenate dimeglumine gadolinium is a contrast agent that helps improve body pictures during PET/MRI scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Aromatase inhibitors are a type of hormone therapy commonly used to treat hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. The approved aromatase inhibitors are anastrozole (Arimidex®), letrozole (Femara®), and exemestane (Aromasin®).</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06086704' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1678 miles
UW Carbone Cancer Center

VISITS: 2 visits within 1 month


NCT ID: NCT06067503

Biomarkers to Detect Resistance to Hormone Therapy for Advanced HR+, HER2- Lobular Breast Cancer

Integrating Minimally Invasive Biomarkers of Estrogen Signaling to Detect Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Metastatic Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To identify possible biomarkers of response to hormone therapy for advanced lobular breast cancer.
Who is this for?
People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) hormone receptor positive (ER+ or ER low and/or PR+ or PR low), HER2 negative (HER2-) lobular breast cancer (LBC) who are planning to receive hormone therapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scans with 18F-FFNP, by IV, 2 times, at baseline and at 1 month</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests, 2 times, at baseline and at 1 month</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarkers are genes, molecules, or other features present in a person, including in a person’s tumor, that tell doctors something about a person’s health condition.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tracer used in this study is 18F-FFNP.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy. MRI scans study the blood vessels in the tumor. PET/CT scans study if the tumor cells are growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The blood samples will be used to conduct DNA and circulating tumor cell (CTC) testing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cancer cells from a tumor that circulate in the bloodstream.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06067503' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/types/biomarker-testing-cancer-treatment' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: Biomarker Testing</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/pet-scans' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: PET Scans</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/ct-scan' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: CT Scans</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1739 miles
Washington University School of Medicine
Saint Louis,MO

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05837455

Biomarkers to Guide Therapy Before Surgery for Stage II-III ER+, HER2- Breast Cancer

NeoTAILOR: A Phase II Biomarker-directed Approach to Guide Neoadjuvant Therapy for Patients With Stage II/III ER-positive, HER2-negative Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To study the effects (good and bad) of whether a novel biomarker-driven approach can be used to guide selection of treatment before surgery (neoadjuvant).
Who is this for?
Postmenopausal women with newly diagnosed stage II or stage III estrogen receptor positive (ER+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast MRI scan, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Anastrozole (Arimidex®), by mouth, daily for 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarker tests</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surgery</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast MRI scan, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Anastrozole (Arimidex®), by mouth, daily for 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biopsy</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarker tests</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surgery</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast MRI scan, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Anastrozole (Arimidex®), by mouth, daily for 1 month</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biopsy</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarker tests</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Chemotherapy with an anthracycline drug, by IV, and/or a taxane, by IV, for up to 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surgery</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarkers are genes, molecules, or other features present in a person that tell doctors something about that person’s health.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Using biomarkers to select treatment may improve the clinical response and identify those who may not require chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant).</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05837455' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1761 miles
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT04573231

Evaluating PSMA Expression to Determine Response to Anti-Androgen Therapies for Metastatic HER2-, AR+ Breast Cancer

Evaluation of Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) in HER2-negative, Androgen Receptor (AR)-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer With 18F-DCFPyL PSMA-based PET/CT Scientific Title

To evaluate prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expression in breast cancer to determine people most likely to benefit from anti-androgen therapies.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) HER2 negative (HER2-), androgen receptor positive (AR+) breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan with 18F-DCFPyL</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Circulating tumor cells (CTC) test</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expression may correlate with resistance to anti-androgen therapies, which has been documented in prostate cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Evaluating PSMA expression may be used to select people most likely to benefit from anti-androgen therapies, such as bicalutamide (Casodex®), in future clinical trials.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-DCFPyL is a tracer that is used to visualize PSMA expression during imaging scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are breast cancer cells that leave the tumor and move through the bloodstream.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Targets or mutations: PSMA, AR</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04573231' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mskcc.org/news/psma-new-target-prostate-cancer-treatment' target='_blank'>Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: PSMA</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/tests/pet-ct-scan' target='_blank'>Cancer Research UK: PET/CT Scan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://metastatictrialtalk.org/from-the-experts/ctc/#:~:text=A%20circulating%20tumor%20cell%20(CTC,test%20for%20metastatic%20breast%20cancer.' target='_blank'>Metastatic Trial Talk: Circulating Tumor Cell Testing</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1832 miles
Medical College of Wisconsin

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT06383026

Understanding Breast Cancer Screening Experiences for Transgender and Gender-Diverse People

Understanding Breast Cancer Risk and Screening in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Persons Through a Pilot Breast Cancer Screening Program Scientific Title

To study the breast cancer screening perceptions and experiences of transgender and gender-diverse people and understand factors that make breast cancer screening more difficult.
Who is this for?
Transgender and gender-diverse people at least 30 years old who have received gender-affirming hormone therapy. You must not have a history of breast cancer or a known genetic mutation that increases your risk for breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammogram</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Whole breast ultrasound</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surveys</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interviews</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Transgender and gender-diverse people may experience barriers and non-equitable treatment by healthcare professionals that make receiving breast cancer screening more difficult.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06383026' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1959 miles
Vanderbilt University/Ingram Cancer Center

VISITS: 2 visits within up to 4 years


NCT ID: NCT05996432

MRI and PET Scans to Predict Resistance to Radiation for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Non-invasive, Image-Based, In-Vivo Assessment of Tumor Hypoxia to Guide Hypoxia-Driven Adaptive Radiation Therapy Scientific Title

To study whether a new type of MRI scan with PET scans can predict resistance to radiation.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are planning to receive stereotactic radiation before brain surgery.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scan, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET scan, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast agent, by IV, 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Resistance to radiation is a tumor coming back or growing after radiation, as seen on imaging scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiation (stereotactic radiosurgery) delivers high-dose, precisely-targeted radiation in fewer doses than traditional radiation therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A contrast agent, also called a tracer, is a radioactive substance that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05996432' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/22966-brain-mri' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: Brain MRI</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/pet-scans' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: PET Scans</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2013 miles
The University of Alabama at Birmingham

VISITS: 3-4 visits


NCT ID: NCT04332588

PET/MRI Scans to Monitor Response to Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) for Women with Stage II-III HER2+ Breast Cancer

Monitoring HER2+ Breast Cancer Neoadjuvant Treatment With Advanced PET/MRI Scientific Title

To determine if PET/MRI scans with 18FFMISO can help monitor and predict the effect of trastuzumab (Herceptin®).
Who is this for?
Women with newly diagnosed stage II or stage III HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer who have not yet received treatment and are planning to receive trastuzumab (Herceptin®) before surgery (neoadjuvant).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/MRI scan with 18FFMISO and gadoteridol (Prohance®), by IV, 2-3 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18FFMISO is an experimental imaging tracer for use in PET/MRI scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Gadoteridol (Prohance®) is a standard of care imaging contrast agent for use in PET/MRI scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The results of this study will not change your treatment plan, but it may help doctors and researchers better understand how best to treat people with breast cancer in the future.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04332588' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2168 miles
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT06101069

Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting to Distinguish Between Radiation Damage and Brain Tumor Progression

Development of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for Characterization of Brain Tumors After Radiotherapy Scientific Title

To study the use of MRI scans with magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) to create high-quality images of the entire brain and distinguish between radiation damage and brain tumor recurrence.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis), and people without breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">2 types of MRI scans, 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">After radiation, brain tumors often increase in size on imaging scans due to radiation damage (radiation necrosis).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">However, this makes it challenging for doctors to determine if brain tumors are growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a type of MRI scan that can be used to achieve high-quality images within a short scan time of 5 minutes for viewing the entire brain.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) may be useful to avoid surgery to determine if brain tumors are growing or not after radiation.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Scan results from people with brain tumors will be compared to people without brain tumors.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06101069' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2168 miles
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Seidman Cancer Center, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT02956291

Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for Brain Metastases

Multi-Parametric Quantitative MR Imaging in Evaluation of Brain Tumors Scientific Title

To study the safety and effects of magnetic resonance fingerprinting
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastases)    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Magnetic resonance fingerprinting</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Magnetic resonance fingerprinting is a type of MRI.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02956291' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2193 miles
Cleveland Clinic, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT04348123

Providing Screening Mammograms to Women Experiencing Homelessness in Cleveland, Ohio

A Proposed Community-Based Interventional Program That Educates, Identifies And Overcomes Barriers to Complete Screening Mammography Among Homeless Women Scientific Title

To provide mammograms to increase screening rates and decrease late-stage breast cancer diagnoses in women who are experiencing homelessness.
Who is this for?
Women who have not had a mammogram in the last year and are residents at a homeless shelter or transitioning housing facility near Cleveland, Ohio.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will complete the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Attend education session about breast health and mammograms</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Receive mammogram (optional)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Complete survey</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The education sessions will explain breast health, mammography, and screening options and address common barriers.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammograms use X-rays to screen for breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, the mammograms are optional and will be provided at no cost (free).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Spanish speaking staff will be available for the educational sessions.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04348123' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/mammograms' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Mammograms</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2299 miles
Roswell Park Cancer Institute

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT06456411

Brain Scan and Virtual Reality to Decrease Pain for People with Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

Real-Time Evaluation of Severity of Perceived Pain in Patients With Cancer by Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), and Investigation of Pain Relief Utilizing Virtual Reality Technologies Scientific Title

To study whether a virtual reality relaxation program can decrease pain and if this can be seen in the brain with a functional near-infrared spectroscopy scan.
Who is this for?
People with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are experiencing pain from treatment, and people who do not have breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Virtual Reality and Scan</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Functional near-infrared spectroscopy scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Virtual reality, 1 time, at least 15 minutes</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Scan Only</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Functional near-infrared spectroscopy scan, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Functional near-infrared spectroscopy is a non-invasive type of imaging scan that can show pictures of the brain and brain activity.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated experience that simulates the 3D environment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Virtual reality relaxation programs may help relieve pain in people with cancer who are receiving treatment. Relief of pain may be seen on a functional near-infrared spectroscopy scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Results from people who do not have breast cancer will be compared to results from people with breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06456411' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/virtual-reality' target='_blank'>Tech Target: What is Virtual Reality?</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2299 miles
Roswell Park Cancer Institute

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT03897270

Photoacoustic Imaging (A Scan That Uses Waves and Light) to Study Breast Tissue and Tumors in Women

Photoacoustic Imaging of Human Breast Scientific Title

To study breast tissue and tumors by using photoaccoustic imaging (a type of scan that uses sound and light to study tissue).
Who is this for?
Women diagnosed with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have received or are planning to receive a breast MRI. You may also enroll if you have not been diagnosed with breast cancer but are scheduled to receive an MRI to look at a suspicious mass (lump) in your breast.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Photoacoustic imaging of the breast, for about 30 minutes, once</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">You may choose to repeat this process up to 10 times (on separate days)</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Research shows that mammograms are more difficult to read in women with dense breasts.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Photoacoustic imaging is a type of scan that uses sound and light to study breast tissue.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Researchers are studying whether photoacoustic imaging makes it easier to see tumors in women with dense breasts.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">They are also studying if they can learn anything new about breast tissue and tumors with this experimental imaging technique.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03897270' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoacoustic_imaging' target='_blank'>Wikipedia: Photoacoustic Imaging</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/types/breast/breast-changes/dense-breasts' target='_blank'>NCI Breast Cancer: Dense Breasts</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://dmm.biologists.org/content/12/7/dmm039636' target='_blank'>Journal Article: Photoacoustic Imaging as a Tool to Probe the Tumour Microenvironment</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7005545/' target='_blank'>Journal Article: Photoacoustic Imaging of Breast Cancer</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2299 miles
Roswell Park Cancer Institute

VISITS: 6 visits within 2 weeks, then 1 visit every 3 weeks


NCT ID: NCT05756166

CKM Therapy with Pembrolizumab for Advanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Rintatolimod Combined With IFNα2b (Bioferon®) to Enhance the Effectiveness of Pembrolizumab in Patients With Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of chemokine modulation (CKM) therapy with pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) PD-1 inhibitor.
Who is this for?
People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer whose cancer progressed on prior treatment.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Rintatolimod (Ampligen®), by IV, 6 times within 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Celecoxib (Celebrex®), by mouth, 6 times within 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interferon alpha 2b (Bioferon®), by IV, 6 times within 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®), by IV, every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CT or MRI scans, 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Chemokine modulation (CKM) therapy is a type of immunotherapy that involves rintatolimod (Ampligen®), celecoxib (Celebrex®), and interferon alpha 2b (Bioferon®).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Rintatolimod (Ampligen®) is a drug for chronic fatigue syndrome that may also stimulate the immune system to fight cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Celecoxib (Celebrex®) is an anti-inflammatory drug that can cause cell death and may reduce the growth of blood vessels that tumors need to grow and spread.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interferon alpha 2b (Bioferon®) helps the immune system fight cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) is a type of immunotherapy called a PD-1 inhibitor, which is a type of immune checkpoint inhibitor. Blocking PD-1 may allow the body's immune system to detect and fight cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CKM therapy may help pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) work better.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05756166' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2325 miles
Hawaii Radiology Associates, LTD (East Hawaii Women's Imaging Center)

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT05369546

Improving Digital Breast Tomosynthesis to Better Identify Breast Lesions That Require a Biopsy

Lesion Composition and Quantitative Imaging Analysis on Breast Cancer Diagnosis Scientific Title

To improve the use of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to better identify suspicious breast lesions that need to be biopsied.
Who is this for?
Women with a suspicious area on a mammogram who have not yet had a biopsy. You must not have a history of breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Most breast biopsies (71%) in the US do not result in a diagnosis of cancer. This means that many biopsies are unnecessary.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A new way to use digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) may reduce unnecessary biopsies.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is an advanced mammogram that takes multiple pictures of your breast from more angles than a standard mammogram.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05369546' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2406 miles
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill,NC

VISITS: 1 visit in 1 day


NCT ID: NCT05754749

Contrast-Enhanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for People with Breast Cancer

Comparison of Contrast Enhanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Known Breast Lesions Scientific Title

To study the ability of contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CE-DBT) to detect breast tumors compared to contrast-enhanced dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (CE-MRI).
Who is this for?
Women with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who have received or are planning to receive a breast MRI at a University of North Carolina (UNC) hospital.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CE-DBT)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Iohexol, by IV</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is an advanced mammogram that takes multiple pictures of your breast from more angles than a standard mammogram.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CE-DBT) includes injections of iohexol contrast dye to detect and visualize cancer cells.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05754749' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/15939-digital-breast-tomosynthesis-and-breast-cancer-screening' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/4876-magnetic-resonance-imaging-mri' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: Magnetic Resonance Imaging</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2406 miles
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Radiation Oncology
Chapel Hill,NC

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT04073966

Studying Brain Function Changes During Radiation in People with Brain Metastases

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarkers for Radiation-Induced Neurocognitive Decline Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Newly Diagnosed Brain Metastases: An Observational Pilot Study Scientific Title

To study why radiation causes brain function changes to help doctors predict and prevent brain function changes.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are receiving stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). You must not have received surgery to the lesion receiving SRS or any radiation to the brain or head.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scans</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neurocognitive function tests</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for trial schedule</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a type of radiation therapy that delivers a high dose of radiation only to the areas of cancer in the brain and avoids the surrounding normal brain tissue.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04073966' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2437 miles
Penn State Health College of Medicine

VISITS: 5 visits within up to 5 years


NCT ID: NCT05957042

Ultrasound to Predict Response to Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy for Stage I-IV Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Pilot Study to Evaluate if Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) Can Predict Treatment Response in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) Patients Receiving Combined Chemotherapy and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (ICI). Scientific Title

To study if ultrasound with sulfur hexafluoride (Lumason®) can predict response to chemotherapy and immunotherapy.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer who are planning to receive chemotherapy and immunotherapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sulfur hexafluoride (Lumason®), by IV, 4 times within up to 5 years</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasound, 5 times within up to 5 years</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sulfur hexafluoride (Lumason®) is a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells which improves visibility in an ultrasound.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sulfur hexafluoride (Lumason®) is approved for use in other conditions. Its use in breast cancer is considered experimental.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasounds use sound waves to produce images of structures within your body.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05957042' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/sulfur-hexafluoride' target='_blank'>Everyday Health: Sulfur Hexafluoride for Ultrasound</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2477 miles
Carolina Breast Imaging Specialists

VISITS: 3 visits within 2 years


NCT ID: NCT05625659

Imaging to Improve Breast Cancer Screening in Women With Dense Breasts

Comparison of Breast Cancer Screening With Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography to Digital Breast Tomosynthesis in Women With Dense Breasts (Contrast Mammography Imaging Screening Trial Scientific Title

To study if dual-energy contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) can improve breast cancer screening in women with dense breasts.
Who is this for?
Women 45-74 years old with dense breasts.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard mammogram, 2 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM), 2 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging contrast, by IV, 2 times within 1 year</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Email, text, or phone call</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Return to standard mammography for breast cancer screening</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dual-energy contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) uses contrast to improve detection of breast cancer compared to standard mammograms.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Some cancers, such as those present in dense breast tissue, may be visible on CESM but not on a standard mammogram.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast cancer is harder to see on a mammogram of dense breasts.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05625659' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://densebreast-info.org/screening-technologies/contrast-enhanced-mammography/#:~:text=CEM%20can%20be%20used%20to,or%20abnormalities%20seen%20on%20mammograms.' target='_blank'>Dense Breast Info.org: Contrast-Enhanced Mammograms</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://densebreast-info.org/for-patients/5-facts-you-should-know/' target='_blank'>Dense Breast Info.org: What to Know About Dense Breasts</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2517 miles
University of Pennsylvania

VISITS: 1 to 4 visits


NCT ID: NCT03863457

An Experimental Tracer in PET/CT Scans to Find Breast Cancer Tumors

Pilot Study Evaluating the Uptake of [18F] F-GLN by PET/CT in Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To study the safety and effectiveness of an experimental PET/CT scan tracer (a radioactive substance that looks for and attaches to cancer cells).
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have at least one tumor 1.5 cm or larger.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following 1 to 4 times: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">(18F)F-GLN tracer, by IV, then a PET/CT scan</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cancer cells use a protein called glutamine to grow--they use more of it than healthy cells. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This imaging trial will use a tracer called (18F) F-GLN--it shows which cells in your body are using a lot of glutamine. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A (18F) F-GLN PET/CT scan may work better than standard of care PET/CT scans in finding cancer tumors.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03863457' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/symptoms/testing/types/pet' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: PET Scans</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mskcc.org/news/beyond-sugar-what-cancer-cells-need-grow' target='_blank'>Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: Beyond Sugar, What Cancer Cells Need to Grow</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5373500/' target='_blank'>Journal Article: Metabolic Imaging of Glutamine in Cancer</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2517 miles

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT04854304

Fast Breast MRI to Screen for Breast Cancer in Black Women with High Breast Density

Supplemental Screening for Breast Cancer With Abbreviated Breast MR for Black Women With Increased Breast Density Scientific Title

To screen for breast cancer in black women with high breast density using Fast Breast MRI.
Who is this for?
Black women without breast cancer that have high breast density indicated by scores C (heterogeneously dense) and D (extremely dense) on the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) scale.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fast Breast MRI, 1 session</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fast Breast MRI takes about 10 minutes to perform.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dense breasts make it harder for doctors to see breast cancers on mammograms.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Women with dense breasts have a higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who don’t have dense breasts. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">For people with dense breasts, screening with Fast Breast MRI is sometimes recommended to detect breast cancer that might not be visible on a mammogram.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04854304' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/research-news/fast-mri-better-than-3d-mammo-for-dense-breasts#:~:text=Traditional%20breast%20MRI%20uses%20magnets,breast%20MRI%20is%20not%20perfect.' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Fast Breast MRI</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/risk/factors/dense_breasts' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Dense Breasts</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2517 miles
University of Pennsylvania

VISITS: 1-2 visits


NCT ID: NCT03846167

PET/CT Scans with 18F-FTT to Study PARP-1 Activity in Breast Cancer

Imaging of Primary or Recurrent Breast Cancer With 18F-FluorThanatrace Positron Emission Tomography (PET/CT) Scientific Title

To study if PET/CT scans with 18F-FTT can detect tumors that have PARP-1 activity.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer receiving treatment at the University of Pennsylvania. If you have stage I, stage II, or some stage III breast cancer, you must have not yet received surgery.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FTT, by injection </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1-2 scans</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1-2 scans (optional after beginning first or next treatment)</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for treatment schedule</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FTT is an experimental imaging agent used to see PARP-1 activity in tumors. This radioactive imaging drug is injected into your body to see where there is active breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PARP, or poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, is an enzyme that helps cancer cells grow by repairing their DNA.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03846167' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/tests/pet-ct-scan' target='_blank'>Cancer Research UK: PET/CT Scan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-drug/def/fluorine-f-18-fluorthanatrace' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: 18F-FTT</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2519 miles
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT05408260

2 Types of Ultrasound to Detect Recurrence After Mastectomy with Reconstruction

Feasibility of Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) Versus Handheld Ultrasound (HHUS) for Breast Cancer Surveillance in Women With Nipple Sparing or Skin Sparing Mastectomy With Reconstruction Scientific Title

To study if 2 types of ultrasound can detect breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy with reconstruction.
Who is this for?
Women with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who have completed treatment and have no history of recurrence. You must have received a nipple-sparing mastectomy or skin-sparing mastectomy with reconstruction on one breast that was performed at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital within the last 5 years.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Handheld ultrasound (HHUS), 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Automated breast ultrasound (ABUS), 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create pictures of internal organs and tissues.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) has been found to be equal to handheld ultrasound (HHUS) for whole breast screening, and this trial will study their use for breast cancer screening of people who have undergone breast reconstruction.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05408260' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/breast-ultrasound' target='_blank'>Johns Hopkins: Breast Ultrasound</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/surgery/breast-reconstruction/screening-after-reconstruction' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Screening After Mastectomy</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2539 miles
Memorial Sloan Kettering at Basking Ridge (Limited Protocol Activities)
Basking Ridge,NJ

VISITS: 2-4 visits


NCT ID: NCT04692831

Imaging Agent for PET/CT Scans to Identify Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer

Imaging of HER2-positive Cancer With Site-Specifically Labeled 89Zr-ss-Pertuzumab Scientific Title

To study the safety and effects (good and bad) of 89Zr-ss-pertuzumab, an experimental tracer used for PET/CT scans.
Who is this for?
People with stage IV (metastatic) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">89Zr-ss-pertuzumab, by IV, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1-3 times within 1 week</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">89Zr-ss-pertuzumab is an experimental tracer, also called imaging agent, for PET/CT scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04692831' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/clinical-trials/search/v?id=NCI-2021-00534&r=1' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: Trial Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/tests/pet-ct-scan' target='_blank'>Cancer Research UK: PET/CT Scan</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2539 miles
Memorial Sloan Kettering Basking Ridge (Limited Protocol Activities)
Basking Ridge,NJ

VISITS: 5 visits


NCT ID: NCT05590949

Studying Bone Changes in Post-Menopausal Women with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer After Treatment with Aromatase Inhibitor and Denosumab

Post-menopausal Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Aromatase Inhibitors and Denosumab: An Observational Study to Assess Rebound Bone Loss and Insufficiency Fractures After Denosumab Discontinuation Scientific Title

To gather information about changes in the bones after stopping treatment with an aromatase inhibitor and denosumab (Xgeva®).
Who is this for?
Postmenopausal women with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have completed treatment with an aromatase Inhibitor before or within 6 months of completing at least 2 doses of denosumab (Xgeva®).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Physical exam, 5 visits within 2 years</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">DEXA scan, 2 times within 2 years</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The physical exam will include history and pain assessment for development of new fractures, weight and height measurement with BMI (body mass index) calculation, and blood work.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scans use x-ray energy to measure bone density (thickness and strength of bones).</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05590949' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cdc.gov/radiation-health/data-research/facts-stats/dexa-scan.html' target='_blank'>CDC: DEXA Scan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a610023.html' target='_blank'>MedlinePlus: Denosumab (Xgeva®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/hormonal-therapy' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Aromatase Inhibitors</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2567 miles
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York,NY

VISITS: 3 visits within 1 year


NCT ID: NCT05130840

MRI Scans and Lumbar Punctures to Detect Brain Metastasis in People with HER2+ Breast Cancer

Feasibility of Multi-modality Central Nervous System Evaluation in HER2+ Breast Cancer Patients Scientific Title

To study if MRI brain scans and cerebrospinal fluid tests can detect brain metastasis early.
Who is this for?
People with stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer. If you have stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer, you must have received at least 1 line of anti-HER2 targeted therapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI brain scan, 3 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lumbar puncture, 3 times within 1 year</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is a procedure to remove a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The presence of cancer in the brain may be detected in the CSF.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the fluid or liquid surrounding your brain and spinal cord.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05130840' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/lumbar-puncture/about/pac-20394631' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap)</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2569 miles
Mount Sinai
New York,NY

VISITS: Coincides with routine care


NCT ID: NCT04983875

Sharing Breast Arterial Calcification Results After Mammograms

Enhancing the Public Health Benefits of Mammography Screening by Informing Women of Both Breast Cancer and Breast Arterial Calcification Results: A Randomized Trial to Promote Cardiovascular Health Scientific Title

To study the potential benefits of adding breast arterial calcification (BAC) results to the standard results letter women receive after mammography.
Who is this for?
Women at least 40 years old who are planning to receive a mammogram at a Mount Sinai breast radiology clinic.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Receive a letter after your mammogram with your breast arterial calcification (BAC) status</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 2 times within 6 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Receive standard of care letter after your mammogram without your breast arterial calcification (BAC) status</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 2 times within 6 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 6 months later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Receive information about BAC status</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In addition to detecting potential breast cancer, mammograms can also detect the presence of calcifications within the breast arteries (blood vessels). </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Those calcifications, called BAC, can be associated with a disease of the heart and blood vessels called coronary artery disease.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Currently, women are not routinely told whether or not they have BAC.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Previous research has suggested that patients would like to be informed about their BAC status.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04983875' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2569 miles
Columbia University Irving Medical Center/NYP
New York,NY

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05219695

Thermal Treatment for Stage I Breast Cancer and Benign Breast Tumors

Medical Imaging and Thermal Treatment for Breast Tumors Using Harmonic Motion Imaging (HMI) Scientific Title

To study the effects of harmonic motion imaging (HMI) and focused ultrasound (FUS) ablation before surgery (neoadjuvant).
Who is this for?
Women with a benign breast tumor or some stage I breast cancer who have not yet received surgery or radiation.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Harmonic motion imaging (HMI) scan, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Focus ultrasound (FUS) ablation of tumor</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Harmonic motion imaging (HMI) is a type of scan that can look for changes in tissue before and after focused ultrasound (FUS) ablation.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Focused ultrasound (FUS) ablation applies high-intensity focused ultrasound waves to a tumor, which ablates (heats) the tumor tissue to kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The main advantage of focused ultrasound (FUS) ablation is that it avoids surgery. Without surgery, recovery from the procedure is faster with less pain, and cosmetological results may be improved.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neoadjuvant therapy is when you receive treatment before surgery. Doctors use it to shrink tumors and to see how your cancer responds to the given therapies.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The two most common types of benign breast lumps are cysts and fibroadenomas.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05219695' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://ueil.bme.columbia.edu/research-projects/harmonic-motion-imaging' target='_blank'>Columbia University: Harmonic Motion Imaging</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/treatment/other/high-intensity-focused-ultrasound-hifu' target='_blank'>Cancer Research UK: High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2569 miles
New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center
New York,NY

VISITS: At least 3 visits within 1 year


NCT ID: NCT06072807

Improving PET/CT Scans with 18F-FES for People with Metastatic ER+ Breast Cancer with Brain Metastasis

Brain [18F]-FES PET/CT in the Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Response Assessment of Brain Metastases in Patients With Estrogen-Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To improve PET/CT scans with 18F-FES for people with metastatic ER+ breast cancer with brain metastasis.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are planning to receive radiation.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan with 18F-FES, by IV, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed up to 1 month later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan with FDG, by IV, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed up to 1 month later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scan, 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care imaging includes a PET/CT scan with FDG and a MRI scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tracers used in this study are 18F-FES (experimental) and FDG (standard of care).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06072807' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2569 miles
Columbia University Irving Medical Center/NYP
New York,NY

VISITS: 3 visits within 7 months


NCT ID: NCT04824027

Ultrasound Scan to Predict Response to Chemotherapy Before Surgery for Women with Stage I-III Breast Cancer

Predicting Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Using Harmonic Motion Imaging in Women With Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To study the use of harmonic motion imaging (HMI) ultrasound scans to predict response to chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant).
Who is this for?
Women with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who are planning to receive chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Harmonic motion imaging (HMI) ultrasound scan, 3 times within 7 months</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Being able to predict a lack of response to chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant) could allow doctors to stop ineffective treatment and start a new treatment to achieve better tumor response and overall survival.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Harmonic motion imaging (HMI) is a new non-invasive ultrasound scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasound scans use sound waves to produce images of structures within your body.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04824027' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2574 miles
Montefiore Medical Center

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT03694756

Experimental Breast MRI Scan for People with Suspected Breast Cancer or Stage I-III Breast Cancer

TMEM-MRI: A Pilot Feasibility Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Imaging of TMEM (Tumor Microenvironment of Metastasis) in Patients With Operable Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To study the ability of TMEM-MRI, an experimental type of MRI scan, to detect breast cancer cells.
Who is this for?
People with a breast mass that is suspected to be breast cancer, or people with stage I, stage II, or some stage III breast cancer who have not yet received treatment.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">TMEM-MRI scan, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast agent, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biopsy (if you have not yet received one)</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor Microenvironment of Metastasis - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (TMEM-MRI) scans are an experimental type of MRI scan that can detect tumor areas that are more likely to travel to other sites in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">TMEM-MRI scans may be useful to identify tumors with a higher chance of coming back (recurrence) after treatment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">TMEM-MRI scans may also be useful for studying the response to neoadjuvant (before surgery) treatment such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A contrast agent, also called a tracer, is a radioactive substance that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03694756' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/breast-mri' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Breast MRI</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2583 miles
Northwell Health

VISITS: Coincides with surgery


NCT ID: NCT06087393

CONVIVO Imaging System During Brain Surgery

A Feasibility Analysis of an in Vivo CONVIVO Endomicroscopy During Brain Surgery. Scientific Title

To study the safety and ability of the CONVIVO imaging system to compare healthy tissue and abnormal tissue during brain surgery.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following during brain surgery: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CONVIVO imaging system</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The CONVIVO imaging system may allow surgeons to maximize the amount of tumor tissue removed and minimize the damage to normal tissue.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06087393' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2587 miles
Miami Cancer Institute

VISITS: 2 visits


NCT ID: NCT06048094

PET Scan with 18F-Fluciclovine to Monitor Brain Metastases

18F-Fluciclovine PET Amino Acid Evaluation of Brain Metastasis Treated With Stereotactic Radiosurgery (FACILITATE) Scientific Title

To study the ability of PET scans with 18F-fluciclovine to measure response to treatment or progression of brain metastases.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are planning to receive radiation. You must not have received whole brain radiation therapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET scan with 18F-fluciclovine, by IV, 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-fluciclovine is a tracer that is used to visualize cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The PET scans will take place during the same visit as your standard of care MRI scan that you will receive before radiation.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06048094' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2587 miles
Miami Cancer Institute

VISITS: 3 visits


NCT ID: NCT04689048

18F-Fluciclovine and PET/CT Scans for Brain Metastasis

Characterization of Large Brain Metastases With 18F-Fluciclovine PET/CT Treated With Staged Stereotactic Radiosurgery Scientific Title

To study the ability of 18F-fluciclovine and PET/CT scans to detect responses to radiation therapy and changes in brain metastasis.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are planning to receive treatment with stereotactic radiosurgery. You must have at least 1 brain tumor that has not received treatment.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-fluciclovine (Axumin®), by IV, 3 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT brain scans, 3 scans</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for treatment schedule.</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-fluciclovine is an experimental tracer that may be able to detect your response to staged stereotactic radiosurgery.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The PET/CT scans will be administered before, during, and after treatment with stereotactic radiosurgery.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04689048' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2587 miles
Miami Cancer Institute at Baptist Health South Florida

VISITS: 4-5 visits within 1 year


NCT ID: NCT05554302

PET/CT and MRI Scans After Surgery to Monitor Brain Metastases

Characterization of 18F-Fluciclovine PET Amino Acid Radiotracer in Resected Brain Metastasis Scientific Title

To study the ability of PET/CT scans with 18F-Fluciclovine to help doctors monitor brain metastases after surgery compared to MRI scans.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) who are planning to receive surgery and radiation. You must not have received whole brain radiation.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 4-5 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-Fluciclovine, by IV, 4-5 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scan, 4 times within 1 year</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-Fluciclovine is an experimental radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05554302' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.healthline.com/health/mri-vs-pet-scan#pet-ct-or-pet-mri' target='_blank'>Healthline: PET/CT Scans vs. MRI Scans</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2604 miles
Stony Brook Breast Center
Stony Brook,NY

VISITS: 1-2 visits within 5 months


NCT ID: NCT06220214

Contrast Enhanced Mammography Before Surgery for People Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage I-III Breast Cancer

Contrast Enhanced Digital Mammography for Predicting Pathologic Complete Response After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Scientific Title

To study the ability of contrast enhanced mammograms to predict the anti-cancer effects of neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemotherapy
Who is this for?
Women with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who are planning to receive neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemotherapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammogram with Omnipaque, by IV, 1-2 times during or after chemotherapy</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammograms with Omnipaque is a type of imaging called contrast-enhanced digital mammography with contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CEDM+CEDBT).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Omnipaque is a contrast agent that helps detect and visualize cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The device used to obtain images is called Siemens MAMMOMAT. This device produces 2D and 3D images that allows the radiologist to <q>see through</q> the breast tissue for better detection and localization of breast cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06220214' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2693 miles
Brigham and Women's Hospital

VISITS: 1 visit every 6 months, for 2 years


NCT ID: NCT04030507

Using MRIs to Screen for Brain Metastases in Advanced Breast Cancer

Screening Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Managed With First/Second Line Chemotherapy or Inflammatory Breast Cancer Managed With Definitive Intent: A Prospective Study Scientific Title

To study if using MRIs to screen for brain metastases (breast cancer that has spread to the brain) is safe and finds brain metastases earlier than the standard of care (no screening).
Who is this for?
People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer who will be starting their first or second chemotherapy for advanced disease.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups depending upon your cancer subtype: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Triple negative</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain MRI, every 6 months for 2 years</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Inflammatory</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain MRI, every 6 months for 2 years</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3: Hormone positive or HER2 positive</i> </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> People in Group 3 will be randomly assigned to receiving screening or no screening </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Screening group</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain MRI, every 6 months for 2 years</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">No screening group</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">No brain MRIs</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain metastases (brain mets) is when breast cancer has spread to the brain. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The standard of care for metastatic breast cancer does not include ongoing screening for brain metastases.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This imaging trial will use regularly scheduled MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) to look for brain mets.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Researchers believe adding brain metastases screening to the standard of care will help doctors find brain mets earlier--when they are smaller and potentially easier to manage.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04030507' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/mri/about/pac-20384768' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Brain MRI</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.radiologybusiness.com/topics/policy/brain-mri-could-id-metastases-breast-cancer-patients-guidelines-dont-recommend-it' target='_blank'>Radiology Business: Brain MRI Could ID Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancertodaymag.org/Pages/Spring2019/Looking-for-Brain-Metastases.aspx' target='_blank'>Cancer Today: Looking for Brain Metastases</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2693 miles
Dana Farber Cancer Institute

VISITS: 6 visits within 2 years


NCT ID: NCT04636710

Imaging to Identify Lymph Nodes and Limit Lymph Node Removal for Women with Stage III Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Refining Local-Regional Therapy for Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Scientific Title

To identify the first lymph nodes that drain the breast to limit lymph node removal and reduce the risk of lymphedema in women with inflammatory breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women with stage III inflammatory breast cancer who have not yet received treatment.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lymphoscintigraphy with radioactive dye, by injection, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lymph node surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 6 times within 2 years</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A lymphoscintigraphy, also called sentinel lymph node mapping, is an imaging procedure used to identify how lymph nodes drain.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">It is used to evaluate if breast cancer has spread to the axillary lymph nodes (lymph nodes under the arm) in non-inflammatory breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In non-inflammatory breast cancer, these lymph nodes are tested first, and if they are free of cancer, additional lymph nodes are not removed. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">By safely limiting lymph node removal, the likelihood of developing lymphedema (arm swelling) has been reduced in people with non-inflammatory breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">It is not known whether lymphoscintigraphy can safely reduce lymph node removal and lymphedema in people with inflammatory breast cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04636710' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2693 miles
Dana Farber Cancer Institute

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT04033497

MRI-Based Imaging Technique to Distinguish Recurrent Brain Metastases from Radiation Damage

Treatment Response Assessment Maps (TRAMs) in the Delineation of Radiation Necrosis From Tumor Progression After Stereotactic Radiation in Patients With Brain Metastases: A Prospective Study Scientific Title

To study whether Treatment Response Assessment Maps, a brain imaging technique, can help distinguish between a metastatic recurrence and tissue damage from prior radiation.
Who is this for?
People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastases). Participants must have had a metastatic recurrence at least 4 months after radiation to the same site in the brain and planning to undergo surgery.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain imaging by MRI and Treatment Assessment Maps <i class="seamTextEmphasis">followed by</i></li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain surgery to remove suspected recurrence of brain metastasis</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Treatment Response Assessment Maps is an MRI-based imaging technique that may be able to distinguish recurrent brain metastases from radiation-damaged, but non-cancerous brain tissue.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This technique may allow future patients to avoid unnecessary surgery.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04033497' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://mbcbrainmets.org/' target='_blank'>MBCBrainMets.org</a> </li></ul>
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