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Find Breast Cancer Clinical Trials That Are Right For You

The clinical trials listed below are open in the U.S. for people with DCIS (stage 0), stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, or stage 4 (metastatic)
breast cancer. Clinical trials are available for people who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, currently in treatment, experiencing
breast cancer recurrence, living with metastatic disease, as well as breast cancer survivors who have completed treatment.

Use the search box and filters to find a trial that’s right for you.

Currently viewing trials
(Last updated: February 15, 2025)

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Brain Mets

BRCA1/2 (inherited)


Hormone Therapy

Leptomeningeal Disease

Radiation Oncology


Surgery: Reconstruction

Targeted Therapy: All

Targeted Therapy: ADC

Targeted Therapy: Anti-HER2 Therapy

Targeted Therapy: CDK Inhibitors

Targeted Therapy: PARP Inhibitors

Targeted Therapy: Tumor Mutations

Targeted Therapy: Other Targeted Therapy

Vaccines and Immunotherapy

Other Treatment



Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Decision Support

Diagnosing Breast Cancer

Genetics/Family History

Having Children

Healthy/High Risk



Managing Side Effects

No Travel Required

Predicting Response to Treatment

Preventing Breast Cancer

Preventing Recurrence








BRCA1/2 (tumor)










MET or C-Met






RAF (including BRAF)






University of California San Francisco
San Francisco,CA

VISITS: Online surveys


NCT ID: NCT02620852

WISDOM Study: Women Informed to Screen Depending on Measures of Risk

Enabling a Paradigm Shift: A Preference-Tolerant RCT of Personalized vs. Annual Screening for Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To learn if risk-based breast screening is as safe and effective as annual mammogram screening for reducing risk and detecting breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women between the ages of 40 and 70 who have never been diagnosed with breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups, or you can choose your study group. </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Personalized, Risk-Based Screening</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Screening recommendations based on comprehensive, personal risk assessment</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Saliva sample genetic test</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Online, annual health questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard Annual Screening</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Screening recommendation for annual mammograms</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Online, annual health questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Personalized risk-based screening will take multiple risk factors into consideration, including genetic markers, to determine how often you should have a mammogram.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study will help researchers learn if risk-based screening, which helps women learn more about their personal breast cancer risk, is less stressful and as successful at detecting breast cancer as annual screening. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study is available in English and Spanish.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02620852' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.thewisdomstudy.org/' target='_blank'>WISDOM: Study Information Page</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 22 miles
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center

VISITS: 2 visits in 1 year


NCT ID: NCT05334069

Collecting Blood Samples From People With and Without Breast Cancer to Evaluate Tests for Early Cancer Detection

Blinded Reference Set for Multicancer Early Detection Blood Tests Scientific Title

To collect blood and tissue samples from people with breast cancer and people without breast cancer to evaluate tests for early cancer detection.
Who is this for?
People 40-75 years old with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have not yet received treatment, or who do not have breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Provide blood samples, 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Provide tissue samples (for people with cancer), 2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Complete questionnaires, 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Collecting and storing samples of blood and tissue from patients with and without breast cancer to study in the laboratory may help researchers develop tests for the early detection of cancers.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05334069' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/diagnosis-staging/diagnosis' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: How Cancer Is Diagnosed</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 22 miles
Redwood City
Redwood City,CA

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05059444

ctDNA Test to Detect Breast Cancer That Has Come Back or Remains After Treatment

ORACLE: Observation of ResiduAl Cancer With Liquid Biopsy Evaluation (ORACLE) Scientific Title

To study the ability of Guardant Reveal, a new blood test, to detect residual disease and recurrence after treatment.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who have residual disease (leftover cancer cells in your breast or lymph node) after chemotherapy and surgery.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) are small pieces of cancer cell DNA in the bloodstream.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Guardant Reveal is a new test that detects ctDNA in blood.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Residual disease refers to cancer cells present after treatment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Recurrence refers to cancer that has come back after treatment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study is enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05059444' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/understanding/testing/circulatingtumordna/' target='_blank'>MedLine Plus: What is ctDNA?</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.guardanthealthamea.com/guardant-reveal/' target='_blank'>Guardant Health: The Guardant Reveal ctDNA Test</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 28 miles
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT06401421

ctDNA Blood Test to Predict Recurrence for Stage I-III Breast Cancer

EXActDNA-003 / NSABP B-64: Breast Cancer Clinical Validation Study to Predict Recurrence of High-Risk Early Breast Cancer Treated With Neoadjuvant Therapy Using a Bespoke Circulating Tumor DNA Assay to Detect Molecular Residual Disease Scientific Title

To study the use of a ctDNA blood test to predict recurrence.
Who is this for?
People with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who are planning to receive neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemotherapy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood samples</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) are small pieces of cancer cell DNA in the bloodstream.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The test being studied in this trial looks for <q>molecular residual disease</q> in the blood, which is when ctDNA is detected.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular residual disease may indicate that breast cancer is still present after treatment or has come back (recurrence).</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06401421' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 336 miles
UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity
Los Angeles,CA

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05298605

Faith in Action: Church-Based Education and Navigation to Increase Breast Cancer Screening in Korean Women

Faith in Action! A Cluster-Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of a Church-based Navigation Model to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Among Korean Women in Los Angeles Scientific Title

To study if the Faith in Action cancer screening education and navigation curriculum increases breast cancer screening among Korean American women.
Who is this for?
Korean women at least 45 years old who do not have breast cancer, have not received a screening mammogram in the last 2 years, and are members of participating Korean churches in Los Angeles, California.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • What's being studied?
  • How can I learn more?
  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Faith in Action cancer screening education and navigation curriculum</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">American Cancer Society Screening Guidelines pamphlet</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Presentation on physical activity and nutrition</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">American Cancer Society Screening Guidelines pamphlet</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Faith in Action is a curriculum designed to deliver cancer education and increase motivation to participate in breast cancer screening through proven approaches such as one-on-one education, small media, and workshops.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05298605' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://ucla.clinicaltrials.researcherprofiles.org/trial/NCT05298605' target='_blank'>UCLA: Faith in Action</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 348 miles
Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center
Los Angeles,CA

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT06171607

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound to Identify Breast Masses

Characterizing Breast Masses Using an Integrative Framework of Machine Learning and Radiomics Scientific Title

To learn if using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) will help to determine if an ultrasound-guided biopsy is necessary.
Who is this for?
Women who are planning to receive an ultrasound-guided biopsy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) scan with Lumason or DEFINITY contrast agent, by IV, 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasounds use sound waves to produce images of structures within your body without using radiation. Ultrasounds are widely used to diagnose many diseases in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is an ultrasound given with a contrast agent that helps improve images obtained from the scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, Lumason and Perflutren are the contrast agents.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The scan will take 1-1.5 hours.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06171607' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/breast-biopsy' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Breast Biopsies</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/perflutren-lipid-microsphere-intravenous-route/side-effects/drg-20067608?p=1' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Perflutren Ultrasound Contrast Agent</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/sulfur-hexafluoride-lipid-type-a-microspheres-injection-route-intravenous-route/side-effects/drg-20405988?p=1' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Lumason Ultrasound Contrast Agent</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 353 miles
City of Hope

VISITS: 10 visits within 3 years


NCT ID: NCT05366881

Blood Test to Detect Cancer After Treatment for Stage I-III Breast Cancer

cfDNA Assay Multicenter Prospective Observational Validation for Early Cancer Detection, Minimal Residual Disease, and Relapse (CAMPERR) Scientific Title

To evaluate the ability of a blood test to detect whether someone's cancer is gone after completing treatment or if it has returned before it can be detected with standard methods.
Who is this for?
People at least 40 years old with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who were diagnosed within the last 3 months or whose cancer came back within the last 5 years, and people who do not have breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood samples, 10 times within 3 years</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">When cancer cells die, they release DNA into the bloodstream. This DNA can be detected following a blood test. This is sometimes called a liquid biopsy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is testing what detection or no detection of cancer cell DNA (cfDNA) means for the patient.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling healthy people and people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05366881' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 602 miles
University of Utah Health Hospitals/Huntsman Cancer Institute Population Sciences
Salt Lake City,UT

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT06305312

Referral for Assistance with Basic Needs After an Abnormal Mammogram

Community Services Navigation to Advance Health Equity in Breast Cancer Screening (B-SINCERE) Scientific Title

To study if connecting people to assistance with food, housing, utilities, and transportation increases follow-up after an abnormal mammogram result.
Who is this for?
People with an abnormal result after a mammogram who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer and need support with food, housing, utilities, and/or transportation. You must live in or near Salt Lake City, Utah.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Referral to United Way of Salt Lake's community referral services (SINCERE)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Usual Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard referral to community resources</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Women with greater need for food, housing, utilities, and transportation are about half as likely to follow up after an abnormal mammogram than women without such needs.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is studying the United Way of Salt Lake's community referral services (SINCERE) intervention, which connects people to assistance with these needs.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06305312' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 744 miles
Center for Indigenous Health

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05665660

Culturally Relevant Education and Coaching to Improve Breast Cancer Screening in American Indian or Alaska Native Women

Developing and Evaluating Scalable and Culturally Relevant Interventions to Improve Breast Cancer Screening Among White Mountain Apache Women Scientific Title

To study ways to promote breast cancer screening among women in the White Mountain Apache community.
Who is this for?
American Indian or Alaska Native women who live on or within 60 miles of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. You must not have had a mammogram in the last year or have a personal history of breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CARE: Complete mammogram education course</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">COACH: Access to an Apache women's health coach</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CARE: Complete mammogram education course</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 3 months later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">COACH: Access to an Apache women's health coach (optional)</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CARE refers to a mammogram education course.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">COACH refers to access to an Apache women's health coach and navigator who will help you receive breast cancer screening.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05665660' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://americanindiancancer.org/aicaf-project/breast-cancer-awareness/' target='_blank'>American Indian Cancer Foundation: Breast Cancer in American Indian Women</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://ascopost.com/news/march-2023/regardless-of-income-american-indiannative-american-women-may-be-less-likely-to-undergo-mammography-than-white-women/' target='_blank'>ASCO Post: American Indian Women and Mammography</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1562 miles
Namida Lab

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT05268224

Melody® Test Using Tears to Screen Women With Dense Breast Tissue for Breast Cancer

Investigation of Melody®, a Lab Developed Test for Breast Cancer, as a Supplemental Tool to Current Screening Recommendations for Women With Dense Breast Tissue. Scientific Title

To study the ability of the Melody® test to use tears to screen women with dense breast tissue for breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women with dense breast tissue who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will complete the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Provide tears sample for Melody® test</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A biomarker is a gene, protein, or molecule produced by the body or tumor in a person with cancer that tells a doctor something about the cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarkers can be identified from tumor, blood, tears, and other samples.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The Melody® test identifies biomarkers in your tears to screen women with dense breasts for breast cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05268224' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://auria.care/' target='_blank'>Namida Lab: Auria Test Using Tears for Breast Cancer Screening</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mana.md/melody/' target='_blank'>Medical Associates of Northwest Arkansas: Melody® Test</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

VISITS: 1-2 visits within 6 months


NCT ID: NCT06058650

Molecular Breast Imaging to Guide Biopsy

Pilot Clinical Study to Evaluate Molecular Breast Imaging- Guidance for Sampling of Breast Abnormalities Scientific Title

To study how well molecular breast imaging (MBI) helps guide the collection of cells during a breast biopsy.
Who is this for?
Women who previously received breast imaging with mammography, ultrasound, MRI, or molecular breast imaging (MBI).    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Biopsy Not Recommended or Previous Imaging/Biopsy Showed Benign (Normal) Results</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium Tc-99m sestamibi, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI), 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Biopsy Recommended</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium Tc-99m sestamibi, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI), 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast biopsy</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Collection of abnormal cells during a biopsy is often guided by either ultrasound or mammography in order to ensure that a sample of the correct part of the breast is taken.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sometimes abnormal tissue cannot be seen on ultrasound or mammography, and therefore, a biopsy guided with ultrasound or mammography may not always be accurate.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI) is a method for detecting abnormal cells on a scan that uses injection of a radioactive tracer. Breast cancer cells take up this tracer more than normal cells, and this allows doctors to see the cancer cells on a scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium Tc-99m sestamibi is the tracer used in this study.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MBI may improve the detection of some breast tumors.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06058650' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/molecular-breast-imaging' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Molecular Breast Imaging</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT05667532

Contrast-Enhanced Mammograms for Women with Dense Breasts

The C-MERIT Screening Cohort: Contrast-enhanced Mammography for Breast Cancer Screening and Risk Assessment in Women With Dense Breasts Scientific Title

To compare the ability of contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) and standard mammography to detect breast cancer in women with dense breasts.
Who is this for?
Women ages 30 to 75 with dense breasts and no personal history of DCIS or breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • How can I learn more?
  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced mammogram</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for treatment schedule</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard mammography (mammogram) is a breast cancer screening procedure involving taking an X-ray picture of the breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) includes an injection of contrast dye before the mammogram to detect and visualize cancer cells.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05667532' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://uvahealth.com/services/breast-screening/cem' target='_blank'>University of Virginia Health: Contrast-Enhanced Mammogram</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/mammograms.htm' target='_blank'>Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Mammogram</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: 2 visits within 3 months


NCT ID: NCT05056844

Mammogram with Contrast to Detect Breast Cancer in Women with Abnormal Nipple Discharge

Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM) for the Evaluation of Pathologic Nipple Discharge: A Pilot Study Scientific Title

To learn if contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) is better than standard mammography for determining the cause of nipple discharge and detecting breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women with abnormal fluid coming from the nipple (discharge) who receive care at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. You must not have been diagnosed with breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Digital tomosynthesis mammography</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A mammogram is a breast cancer screening procedure involving taking an x-ray picture of the breast.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammograms can identify areas of concern, but many areas (lesions) turn out to not be cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) is similar to standard mammography, but it includes an intravenous (by vein) injection of contrast, which makes tissue and blood vessels more visible in scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CESM may increase the chance of finding breast cancers and decrease unnecessary biopsies.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A breast tomosynthesis (DBT) mammogram takes multiple pictures of your breast from more angles than a standard mammogram.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05056844' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/what-is-a-contrast-enhanced-mammogram.h00-159701490.html' target='_blank'>MD Anderson Cancer Center: What is a Contrast-Enhanced Mammogram?</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/15939-digital-breast-tomosynthesis-and-breast-cancer-screening' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: Breast Tomosynthesis</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
Baylor College of Medicine

VISITS: Coincides with biopsy


NCT ID: NCT06085833

New Method to Analyze Biopsy Tissue and Diagnose Breast Cancer

ARTIDIS Nanomechanical Generated Measurements for Early Breast Lesions (ANGEL) Scientific Title

To study the ability of ARTIDIS ART-1 device, an experimental method of examining biopsy tissue, to predict tumor type, aggressiveness, and response to neoadjuvant (before surgery) treatment.
Who is this for?
People who are planning to receive a breast biopsy.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast biopsy analyzed with ARTIDIS ART-1 device</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The standard method of examining tissue from a breast biopsy for the presence of cancer cells is to stain the tissue and look at it with a microscope.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The ARTIDIS platform being tested in this study examines the physical properties and may reduce the amount of time for results.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06085833' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://artidis.com/' target='_blank'>ARTIDIS Biopsy Platform</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center

VISITS: 2 visits within 2 weeks


NCT ID: NCT05042687

Molecular Breast Imaging Scan for Women at High Risk of Breast Cancer

Comparative Performance of Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Breast in Identifying and Excluding Breast Carcinoma in Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To compare the accuracy of molecular breast imaging (MBI) to breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women at high risk for breast cancer who are planning to receive a breast MRI.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast MRI scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 2 weeks later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI) scan with technetium99m (Tc99m), by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 2 times</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Molecular breast imaging (MBI) is a method for detecting abnormal cells on a scan that uses injection of a radioactive tracer. Breast cancer cells take up this tracer more than normal cells, and this allows doctors to see the cancer cells on a scan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Technetium99m (Tc99m) is the tracer used in this study.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">If you do not speak English, an interpreter will help you translate.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05042687' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/molecular-breast-imaging/about/pac-20394710' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Molecular Breast Imaging</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1832 miles
Medical College of Wisconsin

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT06383026

Understanding Breast Cancer Screening Experiences for Transgender and Gender-Diverse People

Understanding Breast Cancer Risk and Screening in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Persons Through a Pilot Breast Cancer Screening Program Scientific Title

To study the breast cancer screening perceptions and experiences of transgender and gender-diverse people and understand factors that make breast cancer screening more difficult.
Who is this for?
Transgender and gender-diverse people at least 30 years old who have received gender-affirming hormone therapy. You must not have a history of breast cancer or a known genetic mutation that increases your risk for breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammogram</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Whole breast ultrasound</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surveys</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interviews</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Transgender and gender-diverse people may experience barriers and non-equitable treatment by healthcare professionals that make receiving breast cancer screening more difficult.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06383026' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 1853 miles
Mile Square Health Center

VISITS: 3 visits


NCT ID: NCT05841355

Empowering Latina Women to Receive Breast Cancer Screening

Empowering Latinas to Obtain Guideline Concordant Screenings Scientific Title

This trial will study a new way to educate Latina women about the importance of breast cancer screening.
Who is this for?
Latina women 50-74 years old who have not had a mammogram in the last 2 years and have not been diagnosed with breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">New breast cancer screening education, 3 sessions</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Control</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard breast cancer screening education, 3 sessions</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for trial schedule</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Latina women are less likely than other groups to receive breast cancer screening.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Education sessions cover topics such as breast cancer information, screening, personal stories, lifestyle factors, role playing, and individual action plans.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05841355' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.bcrf.org/blog/hispanic-latina-breast-cancer-facts-statistics/' target='_blank'>Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Breast Cancer and Screening in Latina Women</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2054 miles
Rogel Cancer Center
Ann Arbor,MI

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT06043661

TriNetra Blood Test for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

An Evaluation of a Circulating Tumor Cell-based Test (TriNetra™-Breast) for Breast Cancer Screening in Women Aged 40 and Above Scientific Title

To study the usefulness and safety of the TriNetra Breast test for breast cancer screening.
Who is this for?
Women at least 40 years old who have not been diagnosed with any cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood sample for TriNetra Breast test</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammogram</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biopsy (if needed)</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The TriNetra Breast test is a blood test that may detect breast cancer at very early stages.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The TriNetra Breast test identifies circulating tumor cells (CTCs) associated with breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Your TriNetra Breast results will be compared to your mammogram and biopsy (if relevant) results.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06043661' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://trinetra360.com/' target='_blank'>Datar Cancer Genetics: TriNetra Breast Test</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2193 miles
Cleveland Clinic, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT04348123

Providing Screening Mammograms to Women Experiencing Homelessness in Cleveland, Ohio

A Proposed Community-Based Interventional Program That Educates, Identifies And Overcomes Barriers to Complete Screening Mammography Among Homeless Women Scientific Title

To provide mammograms to increase screening rates and decrease late-stage breast cancer diagnoses in women who are experiencing homelessness.
Who is this for?
Women who have not had a mammogram in the last year and are residents at a homeless shelter or transitioning housing facility near Cleveland, Ohio.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will complete the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Attend education session about breast health and mammograms</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Receive mammogram (optional)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Complete survey</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The education sessions will explain breast health, mammography, and screening options and address common barriers.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Mammograms use X-rays to screen for breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, the mammograms are optional and will be provided at no cost (free).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Spanish speaking staff will be available for the educational sessions.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04348123' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/mammograms' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Mammograms</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2299 miles
Roswell Park Cancer Institute

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT03897270

Photoacoustic Imaging (A Scan That Uses Waves and Light) to Study Breast Tissue and Tumors in Women

Photoacoustic Imaging of Human Breast Scientific Title

To study breast tissue and tumors by using photoaccoustic imaging (a type of scan that uses sound and light to study tissue).
Who is this for?
Women diagnosed with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have received or are planning to receive a breast MRI. You may also enroll if you have not been diagnosed with breast cancer but are scheduled to receive an MRI to look at a suspicious mass (lump) in your breast.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Photoacoustic imaging of the breast, for about 30 minutes, once</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">You may choose to repeat this process up to 10 times (on separate days)</i></p>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Research shows that mammograms are more difficult to read in women with dense breasts.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Photoacoustic imaging is a type of scan that uses sound and light to study breast tissue.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Researchers are studying whether photoacoustic imaging makes it easier to see tumors in women with dense breasts.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">They are also studying if they can learn anything new about breast tissue and tumors with this experimental imaging technique.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03897270' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoacoustic_imaging' target='_blank'>Wikipedia: Photoacoustic Imaging</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/types/breast/breast-changes/dense-breasts' target='_blank'>NCI Breast Cancer: Dense Breasts</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://dmm.biologists.org/content/12/7/dmm039636' target='_blank'>Journal Article: Photoacoustic Imaging as a Tool to Probe the Tumour Microenvironment</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7005545/' target='_blank'>Journal Article: Photoacoustic Imaging of Breast Cancer</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2325 miles
Hawaii Radiology Associates, LTD (East Hawaii Women's Imaging Center)

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT05369546

Improving Digital Breast Tomosynthesis to Better Identify Breast Lesions That Require a Biopsy

Lesion Composition and Quantitative Imaging Analysis on Breast Cancer Diagnosis Scientific Title

To improve the use of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to better identify suspicious breast lesions that need to be biopsied.
Who is this for?
Women with a suspicious area on a mammogram who have not yet had a biopsy. You must not have a history of breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Most breast biopsies (71%) in the US do not result in a diagnosis of cancer. This means that many biopsies are unnecessary.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A new way to use digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) may reduce unnecessary biopsies.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is an advanced mammogram that takes multiple pictures of your breast from more angles than a standard mammogram.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05369546' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2383 miles
Mayo Clinic in Florida

VISITS: At least 1 visit within 10 years


NCT ID: NCT05755269

Genetic Risk of Breast Cancer for African American and Hispanic Women

Genetic Risk Estimation in Breast Cancer and Assessing Health Disparities Scientific Title

To study whether adding a genetic risk assessment to standard breast cancer risk assessment tools helps African American and Hispanic women make more informed decisions about breast cancer screening and prevention.
Who is this for?
African American/Black or Hispanic/Latinx women 30-75 years old with lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or women at risk of breast cancer, including with a history of abnormal biopsy results. You must not have taken drugs to prevent breast cancer for longer than 6 months, received a mastectomy to reduce your risk of breast cancer, or have a breast cancer mutation such as BRCA1/2, PALB2, ATM, or CHEK2.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood sample for genetic/genomic testing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surveys, 2 times in 6 months, then every year for 10 years</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You will receive your genetic testing results and your risk of breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Traditional breast cancer risk assessments include family history, reproductive history, and breast density.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This information can be combined with genetic information to provide a 10 year and lifetime risk for breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Including genetics with traditional screening techniques may help minority women make more informed decisions about screening and prevention strategies for breast cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05755269' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/about-breast-cancer#section-breast-cancer-risk' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Breast Cancer Risk</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2444 miles
Burnett School Biomedical Sciences

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT06068257

Blood Test to Detect Breast Cancer

Translational Utility of Tumor-Derived FGF19 in a Novel Blood-Based Endocrine Suppression Approach Scientific Title

To help develop a blood test to detect breast cancer.
Who is this for?
People with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer and people who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">1 fasting blood draw</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarkers are genes, molecules, or other features in a person that tell doctors something about that person’s health.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">FGF19 is a protein that is a possible biomarker for breast cancer. The amount of FGF19 in blood may be abnormal in people with breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The study will compare the amount of FGF19 in the blood of people with and without breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06068257' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/diagnosis-staging/diagnosis#:~:text=Complete%20blood%20count%20(CBC)&text=It%20can%20help%20diagnose%20some,health%20during%20and%20after%20treatment.' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: How Cancer Is Diagnosed</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://med.ucf.edu/media/2023/03/Participant-Recruitment-Flyer-External_Version-1_Tumor-Derived-FGF19_PI-Deborah-Altomare.pdf' target='_blank'>UCF Study Information</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2477 miles
Carolina Breast Imaging Specialists

VISITS: 3 visits within 2 years


NCT ID: NCT05625659

Imaging to Improve Breast Cancer Screening in Women With Dense Breasts

Comparison of Breast Cancer Screening With Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography to Digital Breast Tomosynthesis in Women With Dense Breasts (Contrast Mammography Imaging Screening Trial Scientific Title

To study if dual-energy contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) can improve breast cancer screening in women with dense breasts.
Who is this for?
Women 45-74 years old with dense breasts.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard mammogram, 2 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM), 2 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging contrast, by IV, 2 times within 1 year</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Email, text, or phone call</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Return to standard mammography for breast cancer screening</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dual-energy contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) uses contrast to improve detection of breast cancer compared to standard mammograms.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Some cancers, such as those present in dense breast tissue, may be visible on CESM but not on a standard mammogram.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast cancer is harder to see on a mammogram of dense breasts.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05625659' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://densebreast-info.org/screening-technologies/contrast-enhanced-mammography/#:~:text=CEM%20can%20be%20used%20to,or%20abnormalities%20seen%20on%20mammograms.' target='_blank'>Dense Breast Info.org: Contrast-Enhanced Mammograms</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://densebreast-info.org/for-patients/5-facts-you-should-know/' target='_blank'>Dense Breast Info.org: What to Know About Dense Breasts</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2496 miles
Dorothy G Hoefer Comprehensive Breast Center
Newport News,VA

VISITS: Number of visits unavailable


NCT ID: NCT03147430

Identifying Biomarkers for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Women With Suspicious Mammograms Scientific Title

To identify biomarkers in blood or saliva (spit) samples that detect early breast cancer.
Who is this for?
Women with suspicious mammogram results who are planning to receive a biopsy. You must have not been diagnosed with breast cancer.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood sample</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Saliva (spit) sample</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A biomarker is a feature of a tumor, such as a protein or gene, that tells doctors more about the individual's tumor characteristics.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarkers for early stage breast cancer are needed, especially in people with dense breasts and/or small breast cancer tumors.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03147430' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2517 miles

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT04854304

Fast Breast MRI to Screen for Breast Cancer in Black Women with High Breast Density

Supplemental Screening for Breast Cancer With Abbreviated Breast MR for Black Women With Increased Breast Density Scientific Title

To screen for breast cancer in black women with high breast density using Fast Breast MRI.
Who is this for?
Black women without breast cancer that have high breast density indicated by scores C (heterogeneously dense) and D (extremely dense) on the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) scale.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fast Breast MRI, 1 session</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fast Breast MRI takes about 10 minutes to perform.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dense breasts make it harder for doctors to see breast cancers on mammograms.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Women with dense breasts have a higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who don’t have dense breasts. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">For people with dense breasts, screening with Fast Breast MRI is sometimes recommended to detect breast cancer that might not be visible on a mammogram.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04854304' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/research-news/fast-mri-better-than-3d-mammo-for-dense-breasts#:~:text=Traditional%20breast%20MRI%20uses%20magnets,breast%20MRI%20is%20not%20perfect.' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Fast Breast MRI</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/risk/factors/dense_breasts' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Dense Breasts</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2519 miles
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT05408260

2 Types of Ultrasound to Detect Recurrence After Mastectomy with Reconstruction

Feasibility of Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) Versus Handheld Ultrasound (HHUS) for Breast Cancer Surveillance in Women With Nipple Sparing or Skin Sparing Mastectomy With Reconstruction Scientific Title

To study if 2 types of ultrasound can detect breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy with reconstruction.
Who is this for?
Women with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer who have completed treatment and have no history of recurrence. You must have received a nipple-sparing mastectomy or skin-sparing mastectomy with reconstruction on one breast that was performed at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital within the last 5 years.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Handheld ultrasound (HHUS), 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Automated breast ultrasound (ABUS), 1 time</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create pictures of internal organs and tissues.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) has been found to be equal to handheld ultrasound (HHUS) for whole breast screening, and this trial will study their use for breast cancer screening of people who have undergone breast reconstruction.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05408260' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/breast-ultrasound' target='_blank'>Johns Hopkins: Breast Ultrasound</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/surgery/breast-reconstruction/screening-after-reconstruction' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Screening After Mastectomy</a> </li></ul>
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NEAREST SITE: 2574 miles
Montefiore Medical Center

VISITS: 1 visit


NCT ID: NCT03694756

Experimental Breast MRI Scan for People with Suspected Breast Cancer or Stage I-III Breast Cancer

TMEM-MRI: A Pilot Feasibility Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Imaging of TMEM (Tumor Microenvironment of Metastasis) in Patients With Operable Breast Cancer Scientific Title

To study the ability of TMEM-MRI, an experimental type of MRI scan, to detect breast cancer cells.
Who is this for?
People with a breast mass that is suspected to be breast cancer, or people with stage I, stage II, or some stage III breast cancer who have not yet received treatment.    Full eligibility criteria
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  • <p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">TMEM-MRI scan, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Contrast agent, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biopsy (if you have not yet received one)</li></ul>
  • <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor Microenvironment of Metastasis - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (TMEM-MRI) scans are an experimental type of MRI scan that can detect tumor areas that are more likely to travel to other sites in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">TMEM-MRI scans may be useful to identify tumors with a higher chance of coming back (recurrence) after treatment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">TMEM-MRI scans may also be useful for studying the response to neoadjuvant (before surgery) treatment such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A contrast agent, also called a tracer, is a radioactive substance that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li></ul>
  • <ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03694756' target='_blank'>ClinicalTrials.gov</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/breast-mri' target='_blank'>Breastcancer.org: Breast MRI</a> </li></ul>
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