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AZD9574 Targeted Therapy for Advanced HER2 Negative Breast Cancer With Certain Mutations

A Modular Phase I/IIa, Open-label, Multi-centre Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Preliminary Efficacy of Ascending Doses of AZD9574 as Monotherapy and in Combination With Anti-cancer Agents in Patients With Advanced Solid Malignancies (CERTIS1)

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of AZD9574, an experimental PARP inhibitor.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer with a tumor or inherited BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, RAD51C, or RAD51D mutation. You must not have received treatment with a PARP inhibitor. You must have at least 1 tumor that has not been treated with radiation. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">AZD9574, by mouth</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">AZD9574 is an experimental targeted therapy called a PARP inhibitor. PARP inhibitors stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking enzymes called poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The mutations can be inherited (also called germline) or in a tumor (also called somatic).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Targets or mutations: BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, RAD51C, RAD51D</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Abstract: AZD9574</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Susan G. Komen: PARP Inhibitors</a> </li></ul>

AZD9574 Targeted Therapy for Advanced HER2 Negative Breast Cancer With Certain Mutations

A Modular Phase I/IIa, Open-label, Multi-centre Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Preliminary Efficacy of Ascending Doses of AZD9574 as Monotherapy and in Combination With Anti-cancer Agents in Patients With Advanced Solid Malignancies (CERTIS1)

Nearest Location:
3 miles
Research Site
San Francisco, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05417594


Phase I-II


Collecting Tumor Samples to Develop a Test to Predict Response to Treatment

Predicting Immunotherapy Efficacy From Analysis of Pre-treatment Tumor Biopsies

Purpose: To collect tumor samples that will be used to develop OncoPrism™, a test that helps providers predict response to immunotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer who have received or are planning to receive treatment with a PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor. You must have received a biopsy before beginning treatment with a PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor samples</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">OncoPrism™ is a test that helps providers predict response to immunotherapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cofactor Genomics: OncoPrism™ Test</a> </li></ul>

Collecting Tumor Samples to Develop a Test to Predict Response to Treatment

Predicting Immunotherapy Efficacy From Analysis of Pre-treatment Tumor Biopsies

Nearest Location:
3 miles
San Francisco, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT04510129


Phase NA


Malignant Fluid Test to Predict Response to Treatment for Breast Cancer

Mass Response of Malignant Fluid Cells as a Biomarker for Rapid Therapy Guidance

Purpose: To study if a mass response test can predict your cancer's response to potential treatments.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that have malignant fluid. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> Additional malignant fluid will be collected as part of a standard of care procedure.</p>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Malignant fluid is the build up of fluid and cancer cells in your body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A cancer cell's mass response (weight change) indicates when a cancer cell begins responding to a drug before it dies.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The results from the mass response test may be used by your doctor to choose your next treatment(s).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Additional malignant fluid will be collected as part of a standard of care procedure.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Travera Trial Information Page: TRV-003</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Travera: Mass Response Test</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>American Thoracic Society: Malignant Fluid</a> </li></ul>

Malignant Fluid Test to Predict Response to Treatment for Breast Cancer

Mass Response of Malignant Fluid Cells as a Biomarker for Rapid Therapy Guidance

Nearest Location:
7 miles
Oakland, CA


Coincides with routine care

Icon NCT05461430


Phase NA


Imaging and Tumor Mark Tests to Monitor Metastatic HR Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer

Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial Comparing Overall Survival of Patients Monitored With Serum Tumor Marker Directed Disease Monitoring (STMDDM) Versus Usual Care in Patients With Metastatic Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer (SWOG-S1703)

Purpose: To study if blood tests that look for tumor markers are as good as or better than imaging with PET and/or CT scans (the current standard of care) to determine if a tumor is growing.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) hormone positive (ER+ and/or PR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer who are planning to have first line treatment for metastatic disease or have started treatment within the past month, and have at least one elevated tumor marker. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Standard of care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging (CT and/or PET scans), at least every 3 months, ongoing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor Marker Test, if ordered by your doctor</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor Marker Tests, every 1 to 2 months, ongoing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging (CT and/or PET scans), only if need is shown by a Tumor Marker Test</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Additional procedures</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood draws</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This imaging trial will compare using blood tests to PET/CT scans for monitoring tumor growth. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tumor markers that will be tested for in this study are CA 15-3, CA27.29, and CEA.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The imaging tests will be those ordered by your doctor.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Blood Marker Tests</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='®-top-five-cancer-related-tests-procedures-and-treatments-many-patients-do-not-need/topic-4-follow-tumor-marker-tests-and-imaging-tests-people-treated-breast-cancer' target='_blank'>ASCO Follow-up Tumor Marker Tests and Imaging Tests for People Treated for Breast Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NCI: Tumor Markers</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cancer Research for the Ozarks: Trial Information Page</a> </li></ul>

Imaging and Tumor Mark Tests to Monitor Metastatic HR Positive, HER2 Negative Breast Cancer

Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial Comparing Overall Survival of Patients Monitored With Serum Tumor Marker Directed Disease Monitoring (STMDDM) Versus Usual Care in Patients With Metastatic Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer (SWOG-S1703)

Nearest Location:
8 miles
Epic Care Partners in Cancer Care
Emeryville, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT03723928


Phase NA


Mobile Health Tools to Help Take Medication as Prescribed for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Improving Medication Adherence in Metastatic Breast Cancer Using a Connected Customized Treatment Platform (CONCURxP)

Purpose: To study if WiseBag and CONCURxP mobile health tools will improve the ability of people to take their medication as prescribed compared to WiseBag alone.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) hormone receptor positive (ER+ and/or PR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer who are planning to receive a CDK4/6 inhibitor or started receiving a CDK4/6 inhibitor within the past month. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Enhanced Usual Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">WiseBag, 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Educational materials, monthly for 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, every 3 months for 1 year</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">WiseBag, 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CONCURxP, 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, every 3 months for 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interviews, 6 months after completing study</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CDK4/6 inhibitors need to be taken as prescribed to receive the best benefit.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Using WiseBag and CONCURxP may reduce forgetfulness for taking medications.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">WiseBag is a lunch box sized medication monitoring device that holds and monitors medications.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The CONnected CUstomized Treatment Platform (CONCURxP) includes personalized text message reminders for missed medications, monitoring of the medications you take, and notifications to doctors about missed doses.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">CONCURxP sends a text message when a medication is not taken when it should be.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Following Your Treatment Plan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> CDK4/6 Inhibitors</a> </li></ul>

Mobile Health Tools to Help Take Medication as Prescribed for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Improving Medication Adherence in Metastatic Breast Cancer Using a Connected Customized Treatment Platform (CONCURxP)

Nearest Location:
22 miles
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
Martinez, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06112613


Phase NA


Carvedilol to Prevent Heart Problems in People with Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer

Prospective Evaluation of Carvedilol in Prevention of Cardiac Toxicity in Patients With Metastatic HER-2+ Breast Cancer, Phase III

Purpose: To investigate whether a beta-blocker can help prevent heart problems caused by cancer treatments.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer who are receiving or planning to receive trastuzumab (Herceptin®). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Intervention</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Carvedilol, by mouth, daily for up to 2 years</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">No intervention</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3: If you are already taking taking a beta blocker, ARB, or ACE inhibitor</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Observation for up to 2 years</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Some breast cancer treatments can cause or increase the risk of heart problems, which is called cardiotoxicity. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The beta-blocker being used in this study is carvedilol. It is used to treat heart failure and high blood pressure.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Heart Problems</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Harvard Health Publishing: Treatments for Breast Cancer</a> </li></ul>

Carvedilol to Prevent Heart Problems in People with Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer

Prospective Evaluation of Carvedilol in Prevention of Cardiac Toxicity in Patients With Metastatic HER-2+ Breast Cancer, Phase III

Nearest Location:
22 miles
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
Martinez, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT03418961


Phase III


QBS72S Chemotherapy for Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer with Brain or Leptomeningeal Metastasis

A Phase IIa Study Assessing QBS72S For Treating Brain Metastases of Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of QBS72S, an experimental chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastases) or leptomeningeal metastasis visible on an MRI who have received chemotherapy. If you have brain metastasis, you must have at least 1 lesion that has not received treatment. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">QBS72S, by IV, monthly</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">QBS72S is an experimental chemotherapy that may slow or stop cancer cells from growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Leptomeningeal metastasis (LM) is when cancer has spread to the leptomeninges, also called leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, leptomeningeal disease (LMD), leptomeningeal cancer, neoplastic meningitis, meningeal metastasis, and meningeal carcinomatosis, among other names.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Quadriga Biosciences: QBS72S Drug Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Chemotherapy</a> </li></ul>

QBS72S Chemotherapy for Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer with Brain or Leptomeningeal Metastasis

A Phase IIa Study Assessing QBS72S For Treating Brain Metastases of Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
27 miles
Stanford Cancer Institute
Palo Alto, CA


1 visit per month

Icon NCT05305365


Phase II


Genomic Test Studying the Tumor Microenvironment for Advanced Breast Cancer

BostonGene and Exigent Genomic INsight (BEGIN) Study: A Prospective Study of Comprehensive Molecular Testing in Advanced Cancer Patients in the Community Setting

Purpose: To study the ability of the BostonGene Tumor Portrait test to provide information about tumors and their microenvironment and help make treatment decisions.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biopsy, blood, saliva, and cheek swab samples for the BostonGene Tumor Portrait test</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tumor microenvironment describes the cells that surround a tumor and plays a role in both how tumors grow and how they respond to treatment. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The BostonGene Tumor Portrait test may help make treatment decisions for people with advanced cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Metastatic Trial Talk: The Tumor Microenvironment</a> </li></ul>

Genomic Test Studying the Tumor Microenvironment for Advanced Breast Cancer

BostonGene and Exigent Genomic INsight (BEGIN) Study: A Prospective Study of Comprehensive Molecular Testing in Advanced Cancer Patients in the Community Setting

Nearest Location:
61 miles
Stockton Hematology Oncology Medical Group
Stockton, CA


Up to 2 years

Icon NCT06272864


Phase NA


Adding Radiation to Treatment for People with Metastatic Oligoprogressive Breast Cancer

Locally ablatiVe therApy in oLigO-pRogressive sOlid tUmorS (VALOROUS)

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of adding radiation to metastatic breast cancer treatment.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) oligoprogressive breast cancer who have received at least 1 line of therapy for metastatic disease. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiation or interventional radiology ablation</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to damage cancer cell DNA. These x-rays stop cancer cells from dividing and growing, thus slowing or stopping tumor growth.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interventional radiology ablation uses heat or cold to kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiation (stereotactic radiosurgery) delivers high-dose, precisely-targeted radiation in fewer doses than traditional radiation therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Oligoprogressive disease refers to progression of only a few sites of metastasis.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>University of California, Davis: Trial Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Radiation Therapy</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Columbia University: Interventional Radiology Ablation</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cancer Research UK: Stereotactic Radiotherapy</a> </li></ul>

Adding Radiation to Treatment for People with Metastatic Oligoprogressive Breast Cancer

Locally ablatiVe therApy in oLigO-pRogressive sOlid tUmorS (VALOROUS)

Nearest Location:
74 miles
University of California, Davis
Sacramento, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06103669


Phase NA


Fermented Wheat Germ with Immunotherapy for Advanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Single Arm Study to Assess the Immune Effects of Fermented Wheat Germ (FWG) Nutritional Supplementation in Patients With Advanced Malignancies Being Treated With Standard of Care Checkpoint Inhibitor-Based Therapy

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of fermented wheat germ nutritional supplement.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer who are planning to receive dostarlimab (Jemperli®) or pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) immune checkpoint inhibitor. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fermented wheat germ, by mouth, daily for 2 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests, 6 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stool samples, 4 times</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fermented wheat germ is a nutritional supplement that may boost the immune response to cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Immune checkpoint inhibitors are a type of immunotherapy that may help the body's immune system attack the cancer and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: Fermented Wheat Germ</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors</a> </li></ul>

Fermented Wheat Germ with Immunotherapy for Advanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Single Arm Study to Assess the Immune Effects of Fermented Wheat Germ (FWG) Nutritional Supplementation in Patients With Advanced Malignancies Being Treated With Standard of Care Checkpoint Inhibitor-Based Therapy

Nearest Location:
74 miles
University of California Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
Sacramento, CA


6 visits within 2 months

Icon NCT05967533


Phase I


Tart Cherry Juice to Prevent Nerve Pain During Chemotherapy for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

A Randomized Trial of Tart Cherry Juice as a Dietary Supplement for the Prevention of Paclitaxel-Induced Neuropathy

Purpose: To study the ability of tart cherry juice to prevent nerve pain during chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are planning to receive paclitaxel (Taxol®). You must not have received docetaxel (Taxotere®), nab-paclitaxel (Abraxane®), eribulin (Halaven®), or cisplatin (Platinol®). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: High Dose Tart Cherry Juice</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">1 oz tart cherry juice concentrate mixed with water, by mouth, daily for 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surveys</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Low Dose Tart Cherry Juice</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">1/4 oz tart cherry juice concentrate mixed with water, by mouth, daily for 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surveys</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), or paclitaxel induced peripheral neuropathy (PIPN), is nerve pain in your hands and feet as a side effect of chemotherapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neuropathy is pain from nerve damage.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Tart Cherry Juice to Prevent Nerve Pain During Chemotherapy for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

A Randomized Trial of Tart Cherry Juice as a Dietary Supplement for the Prevention of Paclitaxel-Induced Neuropathy

Nearest Location:
80 miles
University of California Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
Sacramento, CA


2 visits within 3 months

Icon NCT06268665


Phase II


PET/CT Scans Before Surgery for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

PET Biodistribution Study of 68Ga-PSMA-11 and 68Ga-FAPI-46 in Patients With Non-prostate Cancers: an Exploratory Study With Histopathology Validation

Purpose: To study where 68Ga-FAPi-46 and 68Ga-PSMA-11 accumulate in normal and cancer tissues and whether PET/CT scans with 68Ga-FAPi-46 and 68Ga-PSMA-11 can help locate cancer in the body.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are planning to receive surgery to remove the primary tumor and/or metastasis. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">68Ga-FAPi-46, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FDG, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">68Ga-PSMA-11, by IV, 1 time (optional)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan, 1 time (optional)</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for trial schedule</i></p>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">68Ga-FAPi-46 and 68Ga-PSMA-11 are experimental tracers for imaging scans that may help locate cancer in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">18F-FDG is a tracer routinely used for imaging scans that helps locate cancer in the body.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The PET/CT scanner combines the PET and the CT scanners into a single device. This device combines the anatomic (body structure) information provided by the CT scan with the metabolic (body processes) information obtained from the PET scan. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: PET/CT Scans with 18F-FDG Tracer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: 68Ga-FAPi-46</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: 68Ga-PSMA-11</a> </li></ul>

PET/CT Scans Before Surgery for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

PET Biodistribution Study of 68Ga-PSMA-11 and 68Ga-FAPI-46 in Patients With Non-prostate Cancers: an Exploratory Study With Histopathology Validation

Nearest Location:
336 miles
Ethan Lam
Los Angeles, CA


2-3 visits

Icon NCT04147494


Phase I


Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Brain Metastases

REMASTer: REcurrent Brain Metastases After SRS Trial

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy using the NeuroBlate® System in combination with repeat stereotactic radiosurgery on recurrent brain metastases versus LITT alone

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastases) View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiosurgery</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT) is a minimally invasive technique to destroy brain tumors using lasers, heat, and the NeuroBlate® System (NBS).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiation (stereotactic radiosurgery) delivers high-dose, precisely-targeted radiation in fewer doses than traditional radiation therapy.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Monteris Medical</a> </li></ul>

Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Brain Metastases

REMASTer: REcurrent Brain Metastases After SRS Trial

Nearest Location:
336 miles
Los Angeles, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05124912


Phase NA


BRIA-OTS Cell Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer

A Study of BRIA-OTS Cellular Immunotherapy in Metastatic Recurrent Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of the Bria-OTS regimen, an experimental cell therapy, with tislelizumab (Tevimbra®) PD-1 inhibitor.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer with no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following as part of the Bria-OTS regimen: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®), 2-3 days before BC1 cells</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 2-3 days later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">BC1 cells, by injection, every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Peginterferon, every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tislelizumab (Tevimbra®), every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging scans, every 1-3 months</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The Bria-OTS regimen is an experimental cell therapy with BC1 cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Before you receive the cell therapy, you will receive cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®) chemotherapy to prepare your body to receive the cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tislelizumab (Tevimbra®) is a type of immunotherapy called a PD-1 inhibitor, which is a type of immune checkpoint inhibitor. Blocking PD-1 may allow the body's immune system to detect and fight cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tislelizumab (Tevimbra®) is approved to treat other cancers. Its use in this trial is considered experimental.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Peginterferon is an immunotherapy used to regulate your immune response to the cell therapy.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

BRIA-OTS Cell Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer

A Study of BRIA-OTS Cellular Immunotherapy in Metastatic Recurrent Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
338 miles
Sarcoma Oncology Center
Santa Monica, CA


1 visit every 3 weeks

Icon NCT06471673


Phase I-II


Dual PARP and Microtubule Polymerization Inhibitor AMXI-5001 for Advanced Breast Cancer.

A Phase I/II, Open Label, Multi-center, Non-randomized Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of AMXI-5001 in Patients With Advanced Malignancies

Purpose: To study the best dose, safety, and anti-cancer activity of AMXI-5001--an experimental PARP inhibitor.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer who have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">AMXI-5001, by mouth, twice daily (4 days on, 3 days off), ongoing</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">AMX-5001 is an experimental PARP inhibitor.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PARP inhibitors block poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, an enzyme that helps cancer cells grow by repairing their DNA. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>AtlasMedx Drug Information Page: AMXI-5001</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NCI Drug Dictionary: PARP Inhibitor</a> </li></ul>

Dual PARP and Microtubule Polymerization Inhibitor AMXI-5001 for Advanced Breast Cancer.

A Phase I/II, Open Label, Multi-center, Non-randomized Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of AMXI-5001 in Patients With Advanced Malignancies

Nearest Location:
339 miles
University of California, Los Angles (UCLA) Department of Medicine - Hematology/Oncology
Los Angeles, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT04503265


Phase I-II


Bria-IMT Cell Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

Randomized, Open-Label Study of the Bria-IMT Regimen and Check Point Inhibitor vs Physicians' Choice in Advanced Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of the Bria-IMT regimen, an experimental cell therapy, alone and with retifanlimab (Zynyz®) PD-1 inhibitor.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer who have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Bria-IMT Regimen with Immunotherapy</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®), by IV, 1 day every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">SV-BR-1-GM, by injection, 4 days every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interferon, 4 days every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Retifanlimab (Zynyz®), by infusion, every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging scans, every 1-2 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Bria-IMT Regimen Alone</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®), by IV, 1 day every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">SV-BR-1-GM, by injection, 4 days every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interferon, 4 days every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging scans, every 1-2 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3: Chemotherapy</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Chemotherapy</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging scans, every 1-2 months</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The Bria-IMT regimen is an experimental cell therapy with SV-BR-1-GM cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Before you receive the cell therapy, you will receive cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®) chemotherapy to prepare your body to receive the cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interferon is an immunotherapy used to regulate your immune response to the cell therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Retifanlimab (Zynyz®) is a type of immunotherapy called a PD-1 inhibitor, which is a type of immune checkpoint inhibitor. Blocking PD-1 may allow the body's immune system to detect and fight cancer cells.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Metastatic Trial Talk: Adoptive Cell Therapies: A Type of Immunotherapy for MBC</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>BriaCell Therapeutics: Bria-IMT Cell Therapy</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: Retifanlimab (Zynyz®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Chemotherapy</a> </li></ul>

Bria-IMT Cell Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

Randomized, Open-Label Study of the Bria-IMT Regimen and Check Point Inhibitor vs Physicians' Choice in Advanced Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Nearest Location:
339 miles
St. John's Cancer Center
Santa Monica, CA


May require hospitalization

Icon NCT06072612


Phase III


MBQ-167 Targeted Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Open-Label, First-in-Human Trial of Oral MBQ-167 as Single Agent in Participants With Advanced Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, and effects (good and bad) of MBQ-167, an experimental targeted therapy.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer who have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MBQ-167, by mouth, daily</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MBQ-167 is an experimental targeted therapy called a Rac and Cdc42 inhibitor. Blocking Rac and Cdc42 may slow or stop cancer cells from growing.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MBQ Pharma: MBQ-167 Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

MBQ-167 Targeted Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Open-Label, First-in-Human Trial of Oral MBQ-167 as Single Agent in Participants With Advanced Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
340 miles
Precision Next Gen Oncology & Research Center
Beverly Hills, CA


About 1 visit every week

Icon NCT06075810


Phase I


NM32-2668 Trispecific Antibody for Advanced ROR Expressing Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Study of NM32-2668 (Anti-ROR1/CD3/Anti-HSA Tri-Specific Antibody) in Adult Patients With Selected Advanced Solid Tumors

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of NM32-2668, an experimental trispecific antibody.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) ROR expressing breast cancer who have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">NM32-2668</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">NM32-2668 is an experimental immunotherapy called a trispecific antibody.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A trispecific antibody binds to 3 distinct targets and may work better than traditional antibody drugs.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">NM32-2668 is a bispecific antibody that targets ROR1, CD3, and HSA.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Numab Therapeutics: NM32-2668 Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

NM32-2668 Trispecific Antibody for Advanced ROR Expressing Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Study of NM32-2668 (Anti-ROR1/CD3/Anti-HSA Tri-Specific Antibody) in Adult Patients With Selected Advanced Solid Tumors

Nearest Location:
348 miles
USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
Los Angeles, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06299163


Phase I


Ceralasertib Alone or With Chemotherapy or With Olaparib in Advanced Breast Cancer

A Modular Phase I, Open-Label, Multicentre Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Anti-tumour Activity of AZD6738 in Combination With Cytotoxic Chemotherapy and/or DNA Damage Repair/Novel Anti-cancer Agents in Patients With Advanced Solid Malignancies.

Purpose: To study the safety, effects, and best dose of Ceralasertib when it is used alone or with the chemotherapy carboplatin or the PARP inhibitor olaparib (Lynparza®).

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Open to all MBC patients</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ceralasertib, by mouth </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Carboplatin (Paraplatin®), by IV, every 3 weeks for up to 4.5 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Open to all MBC patients </i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ceralasertib, by mouth</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3: Open to Triple Negative Breast Cancer MBC patients with or without a BRCA mutation</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ceralasertib, by mouth</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Olaparib (Lynparza®), by mouth</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Additional Procedures</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">3 biopsies</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ceralasertib is a new type of targeted therapy called an ATR inhibitor. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">It disrupts a cancer cell's ability to repair its own DNA, which can cause the cancer cells to die. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Carboplatin is a chemotherapy used to treat breast cancer. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lynparza is a PARP inhibitor approved to treat BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 positive metastatic breast cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NCI Drug Dictionary: Ceralasertib</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NCI Drug Dictionary: Olaparib</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>OncLive: DNA Damage Response Networks Beyond PARP</a> </li></ul>

Ceralasertib Alone or With Chemotherapy or With Olaparib in Advanced Breast Cancer

A Modular Phase I, Open-Label, Multicentre Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Anti-tumour Activity of AZD6738 in Combination With Cytotoxic Chemotherapy and/or DNA Damage Repair/Novel Anti-cancer Agents in Patients With Advanced Solid Malignancies.

Nearest Location:
353 miles
Research Site
Duarte, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT02264678


Phase I-II


PET/MRI Scan to Determine Response to Treatment for People with Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer with Brain or Leptomeninges Metastasis

Pilot Study to Evaluate 64Cu-DOTA-Trastuzumab Imaging in Patients With HER2+ Breast Cancer With Brain Metastatsis Treated With Fam-Trastuzumab Deruxtecan

Purpose: To find HER2+ breast cancer that has spread to the brain and predict response to treatment with trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®), an antibody drug conjugate (ADC).

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer that has spread to the brain or leptomeninges (brain or leptomeningeal metastasis) who are planning to receive treatment with trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab (Herceptin®), by IV, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">64Cu-DOTA-trastuzumab, by IV, 1 time</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/MRI scan, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain MRI scan, every 1.5 months for 6 months, then every 2 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®), by IV, every 3 weeks</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">64Cu-DOTA-trastuzumab is an experimental tracer that detects cancer cells during imaging scans.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive tracer to look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The results of your PET/MRI scan will find the cancer in your brain and may predict your response to treatment.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is a type of anti-HER2 targeted therapy used to treat HER2+ breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®) is an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">An antibody-drug conjugate is a type of therapy that combines an antibody that targets cancer cells with a therapy that can kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Because the antibody only targets cancer cells, the ADC does not kill normal cells, making it less likely to cause side effects.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®)'s antibody targets HER2 and delivers an anti-cancer drug called deruxtecan.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cedars-Sinai: PET/MRI Scan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Trastuzumab (Herceptin®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu®)</a> </li></ul>

PET/MRI Scan to Determine Response to Treatment for People with Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer with Brain or Leptomeninges Metastasis

Pilot Study to Evaluate 64Cu-DOTA-Trastuzumab Imaging in Patients With HER2+ Breast Cancer With Brain Metastatsis Treated With Fam-Trastuzumab Deruxtecan

Nearest Location:
353 miles
City of Hope Medical Center
Duarte, CA


1 visit every 1-2 months

Icon NCT05376878


Phase IV


XB010 ADC for Advanced HR+ or Triple Negative Breast Cancer

A Dose-Escalation and Expansion Study of XB010 as a Single Agent and Combination Therapy in Subjects With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, and effects (good and bad) of XB010, an experimental antibody drug conjugate (ADC).

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) hormone receptor positive (ER+ and/or PR+) or triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">XB010, by IV, every 3 weeks</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">XB010 is an experimental targeted therapy called an antibody drug conjugate (ADC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">An antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) is a type of therapy that combines an antibody that targets cancer cells with a therapy that can kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Because the antibody only targets cancer cells, the ADC does not kill normal cells, making it less likely to cause side effects.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">XB0101's antibody targets 5T4, a protein that is expressed by some breast cancer cells, and it delivers an anti-cancer drug called MMAE.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Exelixis: XB010 Drug Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Metastatic Trial Talk: Update On Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) For MBC</a> </li></ul>

XB010 ADC for Advanced HR+ or Triple Negative Breast Cancer

A Dose-Escalation and Expansion Study of XB010 as a Single Agent and Combination Therapy in Subjects With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors

Nearest Location:
353 miles
Exelixis Clinical Site #4
Duarte, CA


1 visit every 3 weeks

Icon NCT06545331


Phase I


ZN-A-1041 Targeted Therapy for Advanced HER2 Positive or HER2 Low Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of ZN-A-1041 Enteric Capsules as a Single Agent or in Combination in Patients With HER2-Positive Advanced Solid Tumors

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of ZN-A-1041, an experimental anti-HER2 targeted therapy, with other anti-HER2 targeted therapies.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) HER2 positive (HER2+) or HER2 low (IHC 2+) breast cancer who have no standard treatment options available. You must have received treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin®) and chemotherapy. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ZN-A-1041, by mouth, daily</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla®), by IV, every 3 weeks</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ZN-A-1041, by mouth, daily</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-Dxd), by IV, every 3 weeks</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ZN-A-1041, by mouth, daily</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Pertuzumab/trastuzumab (PHESGO®), by injection, every 3 weeks</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ZN-A-1041 is an experimental anti-HER2 targeted therapy called a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. It blocks an enzyme, tyrosine kinase, that helps cancer cells grow.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla®) and trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-Dxd, Enhertu®) are antibody drug conjugates (ADC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">An antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) is a type of therapy that combines an antibody that targets cancer cells with a therapy that can kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Because the antibody only targets cancer cells, the ADC does not kill normal cells, making it less likely to cause side effects.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab emtansine and trastuzumab deruxtecan target HER2 and deliver anti-cancer drugs.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Pertuzumab/trastuzumab (PHESGO®) is a combination of two anti-HER2 targeted therapies, pertuzumab (Perjeta®) and trastuzumab (Herceptin®). You may also receive the two drugs separately.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, HER2 low is defined as IHC 2+.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Zion Pharma Press Release: ZN-A-1041</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-Dxd, Enhertu®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Pertuzumab/trastuzumab (PHESGO®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Anti-HER2 Targeted Therapy</a> </li></ul>

ZN-A-1041 Targeted Therapy for Advanced HER2 Positive or HER2 Low Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of ZN-A-1041 Enteric Capsules as a Single Agent or in Combination in Patients With HER2-Positive Advanced Solid Tumors

Nearest Location:
362 miles
Innovative Clinical Research Institute
Whittier, CA


1 visit every 3 weeks

Icon NCT05593094


Phase I


Sacituzumab Tirumotecan ADC for Advanced HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer

An Open-label, Randomized Phase 3 Study of MK-2870 as a Single Agent and in Combination With Pembrolizumab Versus Treatment of Physician's Choice in Participants With HR+/HER2- Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of sacituzumab tirumotecan, an experimental antibody drug conjugate (ADC), alone or with pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) PD-1 inhibitor, compared to standard of care chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) hormone receptor positive (ER+ and/or PR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer who have received hormone therapy with a CDK4/6 inhibitor for advanced disease. You must not have received chemotherapy for advanced disease. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sacituzumab tirumotecan (MK-2870), by IV, every 2 weeks</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sacituzumab tirumotecan (MK-2870), by IV, every 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®), by IV, every 1.5 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care chemotherapy</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sacituzumab tirumotecan (MK-2870) is an experimental targeted therapy called an antibody drug conjugate (ADC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">An antibody drug conjugate (ADC) is a type of therapy that combines an antibody that targets cancer cells with a therapy that can kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Because the antibody only targets cancer cells, the ADC does not kill normal cells, making it less likely to cause side effects.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The antibody in sacituzumab tirumotecan (MK-2870) targets TROP2 proteins. It delivers the chemotherapy belotecan.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) is a type of immunotherapy called a PD-1 inhibitor, which is a type of immune checkpoint inhibitor. Blocking PD-1 may allow the body's immune system to detect and fight cancer cells.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Merck: Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (MK-2870) Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

Sacituzumab Tirumotecan ADC for Advanced HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer

An Open-label, Randomized Phase 3 Study of MK-2870 as a Single Agent and in Combination With Pembrolizumab Versus Treatment of Physician's Choice in Participants With HR+/HER2- Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
367 miles
Providence Medical Foundation-Oncology ( Site 0020)
Fullerton, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06312176


Phase III


GM1 to Reduce or Prevent Nerve Pain During Chemotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer

An Early Phase and Phase II Clinical Trial to Evaluate Ganglioside-Monosialic Acid (GM1) for Preventing Paclitaxel-Associated Neuropathy

Purpose: To study the ability of GM1 to reduce or prevent nerve pain during treatment with paclitaxel (Taxol®) chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer who are planning to receive treatment with paclitaxel (Taxol®) chemotherapy. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">GM1, by IV, weekly for 4 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®), by IV, weekly for 4 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Control</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Placebo for GM1, by IV, weekly for 4 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®), by IV, weekly for 4 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neuropathy is nerve pain in your hands and feet as a side effect of cancer treatment such as chemotherapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">GM1 is a part of the body's natural system that protects nerves from damage.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Chemotherapy drugs, such as paclitaxel (Taxol®), work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, stopping them from dividing, or stopping them from spreading.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Paclitaxel (Taxol®)</a> </li></ul>

GM1 to Reduce or Prevent Nerve Pain During Chemotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer

An Early Phase and Phase II Clinical Trial to Evaluate Ganglioside-Monosialic Acid (GM1) for Preventing Paclitaxel-Associated Neuropathy

Nearest Location:
374 miles
UC Irvine Health/Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Orange, CA


1 visit every week for 4 months

Icon NCT05751668


Phase II


Stool and Blood Sample Bank to Develop New Treatments for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

ARGONAUT: Development and Analysis of a Blood and Stool Sample Bank for Cancer Patients, Enabling the Systematic Study of the Effect of Gut Microbiomes on Response to Treatment

Purpose: To collect stool and blood samples to study gut microbiomes, study cancer biomarkers, and develop new treatments.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer planning to receive their next treatment. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stool and blood samples, 2 times within 6 months</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stool samples will be used to study your gut microbiome, which are the microorganisms that live in your digestive system. Drugs that target your microbiome may be helpful to treat cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Healthline: Gut Microbiome</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Developing Precision Microbiome Medicines</a> </li></ul>

Stool and Blood Sample Bank to Develop New Treatments for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

ARGONAUT: Development and Analysis of a Blood and Stool Sample Bank for Cancer Patients, Enabling the Systematic Study of the Effect of Gut Microbiomes on Response to Treatment

Nearest Location:
375 miles
Knowledge Research Center
Orange, CA


2 times within 6 months, then 3 times within 2 years

Icon NCT04638751


Phase NA


ISM3091 Targeted Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A Phase I, Open-Label, Multicenter Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Efficacy of ISM3091 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of ISM3091, an experimental USP1 inhibitor.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer who have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ISM3091, daily</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ISM3091 is an experimental targeted therapy called a USP1 inhibitor. Inhibiting USP1 may stop cancer cells from repairing DNA and growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>InSilico Medicine: ISM3091 Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

ISM3091 Targeted Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A Phase I, Open-Label, Multicenter Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Efficacy of ISM3091 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors

Nearest Location:
375 miles
Exelixis Clinical Site #12
Fountain Valley, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05932862


Phase I


Evexomostat for Women with Advanced HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer with a PIK3CA Mutation and High Blood Sugar

Phase 1b/2 Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Evexomostat Plus Alpelisib and Fulvestrant in Postmenopausal Women at Risk for Hyperglycemia With Advanced Breast Cancer and a PIK3CA Mutation Following Endocrine Therapy and a CDK4/6 Inhibitor

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of evexomostat (SDX-7320), an experimental polymer drug conjugate, with fulvestrant (Faslodex®) hormone therapy and alpelisib (Piqray®) PI3K inhibitor.

Who is this for?: Women with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) hormone receptor positive (ER+ and/or PR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer with a PIK3CA mutation who have high blood sugar. You must have received hormone therapy and a CDK 4/6 inhibitor. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Evexomostat (SDX-7320)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fulvestrant (Faslodex®)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Alpelisib (Piqray®)</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for treatment schedule</i></p>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Evexomostat (SDX-7320) is an experimental polymer drug conjugate (PDC), which is similar to an antibody drug conjugate (ADC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Evexomostat (SDX-7320) releases fumagillol, a type of targeted therapy called a MetAP2 inhibitor. Blocking MetAP2 may slow or stop cancer cells from growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fulvestrant (Faslodex®) is a type of hormone therapy called a selective estrogen receptor downregulator (SERD). SERDs bind to and break down estrogen receptors.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Alpelisib (Piqray®) is a type of targeted therapy called a PI3K inhibitor. Blocking the PI3K pathway may slow or stop cancer cells from growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Premenopausal and perimenopausal women will also be given a drug that will put women in temporary menopause.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Targets or mutations: PIK3CA</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>SynDevRx: Trial Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>SynDevRx Drug Information Page: Evexomostat (SDX-7320)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>SynDevRx: Polymer Drug Conjugates</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Fulvestrant (Faslodex®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Alpelisib (Piqray®)</a> </li></ul>

Evexomostat for Women with Advanced HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer with a PIK3CA Mutation and High Blood Sugar

Phase 1b/2 Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Evexomostat Plus Alpelisib and Fulvestrant in Postmenopausal Women at Risk for Hyperglycemia With Advanced Breast Cancer and a PIK3CA Mutation Following Endocrine Therapy and a CDK4/6 Inhibitor

Nearest Location:
381 miles
Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Newport, CA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05455619


Phase I-II


3 Regimens to Prevent Allergic Reactions to Chemotherapy for Women with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Conventional Prophylactic Regimen of Oral Dexamethasone Versus Short-course Intravenous Dexamethasone in Preventing Paclitaxel-related Hypersensitivity Reactions in Breast and Gynecologic Oncology Patients: A Prospective, Randomized, Open-label Study

Purpose: To compare the ability of 3 regimens of dexamethasone, diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), and famotidine to prevent allergic reactions to paclitaxel (Taxol®) chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: Women with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are planning to receive paclitaxel (Taxol®). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dexamethasone, by mouth</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 1 day later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Famotidine, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®), by IV</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dexamethasone, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Famotidine, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®), by IV</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dexamethasone, by mouth</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 1 day later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dexamethasone, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Famotidine, by IV</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®), by IV</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®) is a chemotherapy drug.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Dexamethasone, diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), and famotidine are drugs that help prevent allergic reactions to chemotherapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Paclitaxel (Taxol®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MedlinePlus: Famotidine</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MedlinePlus: Dexamethasone</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MedlinePlus: Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Allergic Reactions</a> </li></ul>

3 Regimens to Prevent Allergic Reactions to Chemotherapy for Women with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Conventional Prophylactic Regimen of Oral Dexamethasone Versus Short-course Intravenous Dexamethasone in Preventing Paclitaxel-related Hypersensitivity Reactions in Breast and Gynecologic Oncology Patients: A Prospective, Randomized, Open-label Study

Nearest Location:
386 miles
Loma Linda University Cancer Center
Loma Linda, CA


1-2 visits within 1-2 days

Icon NCT03598426


Phase III


BAL0891 Targeted Therapy Alone or With Chemotherapy for Advanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Study of BAL0891 as Monotherapy and in Combination With Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, and effects (good and bad) of BAL0891, an experimental TTK/PLK inhibitor, alone or with chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) triple negative (ER- or ER low, PR- or ER low, HER2- or HER2 low) breast cancer who have received at least 1 line of therapy for advanced disease. You must not have received more than 4 lines of chemotherapy. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">BAL0891, by IV, every 3 weeks</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">BAL0891, by IV, every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®)</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">BAL0891 is an experimental targeted therapy called a TTK/PLK inhibitor. Blocking TTK/PLK may slow or stop cancer cells from growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Paclitaxel (Taxol®) is a chemotherapy drug.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, HER2 low is defined as IHC 1+ or IHC 2+/FISH-.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>SillaJen: BAL0891 Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

BAL0891 Targeted Therapy Alone or With Chemotherapy for Advanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer

A Phase 1 Study of BAL0891 as Monotherapy and in Combination With Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors

Nearest Location:
533 miles
OHSU Knight Cancer Institute
Portland, OR


1 visit every 3 weeks

Icon NCT05768932


Phase I


PBA-0405 Targeted Therapy for Stage I-IV Triple Negative Breast Cancer

A Phase 0 Multicenter Study of the Pharmacodynamic Effects of Intratumoral Microdose Administration of PBA-0405 in Patients With Solid Tumors (PB004)

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of PBA-0405, an experimental ROR1 inhibitor.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2- or HER2 low) breast cancer who are planning to receive surgery. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PBA-0405, by injection into tumor with CIVO device, 1-2 days before surgery</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PBA-0405 is an experimental targeted therapy called a ROR1 inhibitor. Blocking ROR1 may slow or stop cancer cells from growing. PBA-0405 may also help the immune system attack and kill tumor cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The CIVO device helps the doctor inject the drug into a tumor or lymph node.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, HER2 low is defined as IHC 1+.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Presage Biosciences: CIVO Device</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Pure Biologics: PBA-0405 Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

PBA-0405 Targeted Therapy for Stage I-IV Triple Negative Breast Cancer

A Phase 0 Multicenter Study of the Pharmacodynamic Effects of Intratumoral Microdose Administration of PBA-0405 in Patients With Solid Tumors (PB004)

Nearest Location:
533 miles
Oregon Health and Science University
Portland, OR


1 visit

Icon NCT06273852


Phase I


NUV-1511 Targeted Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A Phase 1/2, First-in-Human, Safety and Efficacy Study of NUV-1511 in Adult Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of NUV-1511, an experimental drug-drug conjugate (DDC).

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer who have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">NUV-1511</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for treatment schedule</i></p>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">NUV-1511 is an experimental type of targeted therapy called a drug-drug conjugate (DDC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A drug-drug conjugate (DDC) targets cancer cells and contains a therapy that can kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Nuvation Bio: NUV-1511 Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

NUV-1511 Targeted Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A Phase 1/2, First-in-Human, Safety and Efficacy Study of NUV-1511 in Adult Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors

Nearest Location:
601 miles
START Mountain
Salt Lake City, UT


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06334432


Phase I-II


Genetic Testing for Diverse Groups of People with Breast Cancer

Gemini - Cancer Genetic Testing in Ethnic Populations

Purpose: To use genetic testing to identify genetic mutations and make treatment decisions.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Genetic testing</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Genetic testing looks for changes, sometimes called mutations or variants, in your DNA.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Centers for Disease and Control: Genetic Testing</a> </li></ul>

Genetic Testing for Diverse Groups of People with Breast Cancer

Gemini - Cancer Genetic Testing in Ethnic Populations

Nearest Location:
660 miles
Mayo Clinic in Arizona
Scottsdale, AZ


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT04475640


Phase NA


SON-DP Immunotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A First-in-Human (FIH), Open-Label, Phase Ia/Ib Dose Escalation and Expansion Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of SON-DP in Participants With Relapsed/Metastatic Solid Tumors

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of SON-DP, an experimental immontherapy.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer with no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">SON-DP, by IV, every 1-2 weeks</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">SON-DP is an experimental immunotherapy that may convert cancer cells to normal cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

SON-DP Immunotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A First-in-Human (FIH), Open-Label, Phase Ia/Ib Dose Escalation and Expansion Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of SON-DP in Participants With Relapsed/Metastatic Solid Tumors

Nearest Location:
671 miles
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center (BMDACC)
Gilbert, AZ


1 visit every 1-2 weeks

Icon NCT05989724


Phase I


Breast Cancer Registry for Inflammatory and Other Types of Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Registry

Purpose: To collect and study blood and tissue samples and clinical data from people with newly diagnosed and untreated breast cancer, including inflammatory breast cancer.

Who is this for?: People with newly diagnosed and untreated stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Additional blood drawn during a routine blood draw</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Core, breast tissue, and skin biopsy (performed for diagnosis)</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Medical history interview</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Clinical data collected from your medical records</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Photographs of both breasts</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare, aggressive type of breast cancer in which the cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the skin, causing the breast to appear red and swollen.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Researchers have not yet identified any genes or other risk factors that they could use to design better treatments for inflammatory breast cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MD Anderson Cancer Center: Study Website</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NCI: Inflammatory Breast Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Inflammatory Breast Cancer</a> </li></ul>

Breast Cancer Registry for Inflammatory and Other Types of Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Registry

Nearest Location:
671 miles
Banner - MD Anderson Cancer Center
Gilbert, AZ


Coincides with routine care

Icon NCT00477100


Phase NA


Targeted Therapy and Chemotherapy for Advanced HER2+ Breast Cancer

A Phase II Study of the Safety, Tolerability and Antitumor Activity of Tucatinib in Combination With Eribulin and Trastuzumab in Patients With Pretreated Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of trastuzumab (Herceptin®) anti-HER2 targeted therapy, tucatinib (Tukysa®) tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and eribulin (Halaven®) chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer who have received treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin®) and chemotherapy for advanced/metastatic disease. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab (Herceptin®), by IV, every 3 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tucatinib (Tukysa®), by mouth, daily</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Eribulin (Halaven®), by IV, weekly, 2 weeks on, 1 week off</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is an anti-HER2 targeted therapy commonly used to treat HER2+ breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tucatinib (Tukysa®) is a type of targeted therapy called a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. It blocks an enzyme, tyrosine kinase, that helps cancer cells grow.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Eribulin (Halaven®) is a chemotherapy drug approved to treat metastatic breast cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Trastuzumab (Herceptin®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Tucatinib (Tukysa®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Eribulin (Halaven®)</a> </li></ul>

Targeted Therapy and Chemotherapy for Advanced HER2+ Breast Cancer

A Phase II Study of the Safety, Tolerability and Antitumor Activity of Tucatinib in Combination With Eribulin and Trastuzumab in Patients With Pretreated Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
679 miles
Swedish Cancer Institute
Issaquah, WA


1 visit every 1-2 weeks

Icon NCT05458674


Phase II


Clinical Trial Navigation to Increase Participation and Diversity in Cancer Clinical Trials

Guiding Participation Toward Understanding, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity for Cancer Clinical Trials (GUIDE) Pilot Trial

Purpose: To study the ability of clinical trial navigation to help increase participation and diversity in clinical trials.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Meet with clinical trial navigator, monthly for 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care support services</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care support services</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Cancer clinical trials are an important part of developing better treatments and improving patient care and outcomes.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Despite this, only a small number of cancer patients participate in clinical trials.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">There are many different items that contribute to low clinical trial participation, including social and financial needs. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">If you are in Group 1, you will meet with a clinical trial navigator to understand activities involved with clinical trials, identify financial barriers to clinical trial participation, and review available financial resources.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Clinical Trial Navigation to Increase Participation and Diversity in Cancer Clinical Trials

Guiding Participation Toward Understanding, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity for Cancer Clinical Trials (GUIDE) Pilot Trial

Nearest Location:
682 miles
Fred Hutch/University of Washington Cancer Consortium
Seattle, WA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06484595


Phase NA


Elacestrant Hormone Therapy and Abemaciclib CDK 4/6 Inhibitor for Metastatic HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer with Brain or Leptomeningeal Metastasis

Multicenter Open Label Phase Ib/II Trial of Abemaciclib and Elacestrant in Patients With Brain Metastasis Due to HR+/Her2- Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of elacestrant, an experimental hormone therapy, with abemaciclib (Verzenio®) CDK 4/6 inhibitor.

Who is this for?: Postmenopausal women with metastatic (stage IV) hormone receptor positive (ER+ and/or PR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) or HER2 low breast cancer that has spread to the brain or leptomeninges (brain or leptomeningeal metastasis) who have received up to 2 chemotherapies for advanced/metastatic disease. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Abemaciclib (Verzenio®), by mouth, daily</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Elacestrant, by mouth, daily</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Elacestrant is an experimental hormone therapy called a selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD). SERDs work by binding to and breaking down estrogen receptors.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Abemaciclib (Verzenio®) is a type of targeted therapy called a CDK 4/6 inhibitor. CDK 4/6 inhibitors block two proteins, CDK4 and CDK6, that help cancer grow.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Premenopausal and perimenopausal women will also be given a drug that will put women in temporary menopause.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, HER2 low is defined as IHC 1+.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>OncLive: Benefit of Elacestrant Improves With Longer Duration of CDK4/6 Inhibition in People With ER+/HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Targeted Oncology: Elacestrant for ER+, HER2- MBC</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Abemaciclib (Verzenio®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Metastatic Trial Talk: Update on Oral SERDs for Estrogen Receptor-Positive MBC</a> </li></ul>

Elacestrant Hormone Therapy and Abemaciclib CDK 4/6 Inhibitor for Metastatic HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer with Brain or Leptomeningeal Metastasis

Multicenter Open Label Phase Ib/II Trial of Abemaciclib and Elacestrant in Patients With Brain Metastasis Due to HR+/Her2- Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
733 miles
Cancer Care Northwest
Spokane Valley, WA


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT04791384


Phase I-II


Registry to Study Cancer Prevention, Detection, and Treatment

Integrated Cancer Repository for Cancer Research

Purpose: To create a registry to study strategies for prevention, screening, early detection, and personalized treatment of cancer.

Who is this for?: People with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer, people at high risk for breast cancer, or people who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be asked to provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Provide blood and urine samples during routine visits</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Provide tissue samples from surgery or biopsy</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, 1 time every year</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This registry will compare samples between people with breast cancer, people at high risk for breast cancer, and people who do not have breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also available in Spanish.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>iCaRe2 Project</a> </li></ul>

Registry to Study Cancer Prevention, Detection, and Treatment

Integrated Cancer Repository for Cancer Research

Nearest Location:
804 miles
Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital
Bozeman, MT


Coincides with routine care, at least 1 visit every year

Icon NCT02012699


Phase NA


Losartan to Reduce Fibrosis for People with Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

A Pilot Study of Losartan to Reduce Radiation Induced Fibrosis in Breast Cancer Patients

Purpose: To study the ability of losartan to decrease fibrosis from radiation.

Who is this for?: Women with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, and stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have received surgery and are planning to receive radiation. Your breast cancer must not have recurred (came back), and you must not have received radiation. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Losartan, by mouth, daily during radiation until 1 year after radiation</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Placebo for losartan, by mouth, daily during radiation until 1 year after radiation</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Losartan is an FDA approved blood pressure medication that may also decrease fibrosis.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fibrosis is the thickening or scarring of tissue and can be caused by radiation.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href=',is%20found%20on%20a%20biopsy.' target='_blank'>American Cancer Society: Breast Fibrosis</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Medline Plus: Losartan</a> </li></ul>

Losartan to Reduce Fibrosis for People with Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

A Pilot Study of Losartan to Reduce Radiation Induced Fibrosis in Breast Cancer Patients

Nearest Location:
860 miles
Vail Health Shaw Cancer Center
Edwards, CO


7 visits within 2 years

Icon NCT05637216


Phase II


Sexual Health in People with DCIS and Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Sexuality and Breast Cancer: Developing Appropriate Education for Women Going Through Treatment

Purpose: To identify the sexual health needs among women with breast cancer at the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment.

Who is this for?: Women with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have received care at the University of Colorado Hospital since September 2019. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will participate the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Virtual focus group</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Providers will lead the virtual focus groups over Zoom.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Focus group findings will be used to create appropriate educational material that will address the sexual health needs of people with breast cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Sexual Health During and After Breast Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Sexuality and Metastatic Breast Cancer</a> </li></ul>

Sexual Health in People with DCIS and Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Sexuality and Breast Cancer: Developing Appropriate Education for Women Going Through Treatment

Nearest Location:
941 miles
University of Colorado Hospital
Aurora, CO


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05138510


Phase NA


Registry to Study Immune System Response to Breast Cancer in Women Under Age 50

A Translational Study of the Interactions Between Prior Pregnancy and the Biologic Subtype of Breast Cancer in Defining the Cancer: Host Immunologic Interaction

Purpose: To determine how the immune system responds to different types of tumors or to tumors that develop during or after a pregnancy. Some of the breast cancer tissue collected in this study will be used to create models that develop and test new drug treatments.

Who is this for?: Women with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are 50 years or younger. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> All participants will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tissue, blood, and urine samples, if recently diagnosed</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tissue donation only, if enrolled after treatment has begun or has ended</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Researchers are interested in learning more about the role the immune system plays in cancer. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study is looking specifically at the level of immune suppression seen in breast cancer that occurs in women under age 50.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Understanding Your Immune System</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Young Survival Coalition</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href=',MD.aspx' target='_blank'>Lead Researcher: Virginia F. Borges, MD</a> </li></ul>

Registry to Study Immune System Response to Breast Cancer in Women Under Age 50

A Translational Study of the Interactions Between Prior Pregnancy and the Biologic Subtype of Breast Cancer in Defining the Cancer: Host Immunologic Interaction

Nearest Location:
941 miles
University of Colorado Denver
Aurora, CO


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT01503190


Phase NA


Questionnaires to Measure Satisfaction and Well-Being During Treatment for Women with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

A Randomized Study of Breast Cancer Patient Engagement With Patient Reported Outcome Measure Survey Results

Purpose: To study the experience of women during breast cancer treatment.

Who is this for?: Women newly diagnosed with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Complete questionnaires, by email or in person, every 3 months until 1 year after surgery</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Receive results of the questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Complete questionnaires, by email or in person, every 3 months until 1 year after surgery</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The questionnaires in this study will be used to understand women's satisfaction with their breasts, psychosocial well-being, physical well-being, sexual well-being, side effects from radiation, and experience with the health care team.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The questionnaires will also be used to understand the use of social work services, psycho-oncology services, oncology fitness service, nutrition service, and urgent/emergent services including visits to urgent care or the emergency room.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Questionnaires to Measure Satisfaction and Well-Being During Treatment for Women with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

A Randomized Study of Breast Cancer Patient Engagement With Patient Reported Outcome Measure Survey Results

Nearest Location:
941 miles
University of Colorado Hospital
Denver, CO


1 visit every 3 months until 1 year after surgery

Icon NCT03995082


Phase NA


Health Risk Assessment Before Treatment for People 65+ with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Integrated Actionable Aging Assessment for Cancer Patients Pilot

Purpose: To improve ways of determining health risks of older adults with cancer, and to find better ways to address their needs.

Who is this for?: People at least 65 years old with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have not yet received treatment. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Health risk assessment including social determinants of health (SDOH)</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Health risk assessment not including social determinants of health (SDOH)</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 3</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Usual care</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The web-based health risk assessment and feedback system identifies unhealthy behaviors, mental health status, and patient concerns.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Social determinants of health (SDOH) describe non-medical factors that influence your health, such as race, gender identity, education, occupation, transportation, food and health access, medication affordability, safety at home, housing, and financial stability.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is enrolling people who speak English or Spanish.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Health Risk Assessment Before Treatment for People 65+ with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Integrated Actionable Aging Assessment for Cancer Patients Pilot

Nearest Location:
941 miles
University of Colorado Hospital
Aurora, CO


1 visit

Icon NCT05871008


Phase NA


Immunotherapy and BT8009 for Metastatic Breast Cancer that Expresses Nectin-4

Phase I/II Study of the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Clinical Activity of BT8009 in Patients With Nectin-4 Expressing Advanced Malignancies

Purpose: To study the safety, anti-cancer activity, and effects (good and bad) of giving the experimental therapy BT8009 alone or in combination with the PD-1 inhibitor nivolumab (Opdivo®).

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that expresses Nectin-4 and who have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be assigned to 1 of 2 groups and receive the following: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">BT8009, by IV, once a week, ongoing</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">BT8009, by IV, once a week, ongoing</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Nivolumab (Opdivo®), by IV, every 2 weeks, ongoing</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">BT8009 is an experimental therapy that targets Nectin-4, a protein expressed in some breast cancer cells, and delivers a drug that can kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Nectin-4 is often expressed in triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Nivolumab (Opdivo®) is a type of immunotherapy called a checkpoint inhibitor. It gets the immune system to go after cancer cells by blocking a protein called PD-1 (programmed cell death 1). It has been approved to treat certain types of cancer. Its use in breast cancer is considered experimental.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Targets or mutations: Nectin-4</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Press Release: BT8009</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Bicycle Therapeutics Drug Information Page: BT8009</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NCI Drug Dictionary: Nivolumab</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Wikipedia: Nectin</a> </li></ul>

Immunotherapy and BT8009 for Metastatic Breast Cancer that Expresses Nectin-4

Phase I/II Study of the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Clinical Activity of BT8009 in Patients With Nectin-4 Expressing Advanced Malignancies

Nearest Location:
948 miles
Sarah Cannon Research Institute at HealthONE
Denver, CO


1 visit a week, ongoing

Icon NCT04561362


Phase I-II


Sulforaphane Nutritional Supplement to Reduce Heart Problems from Doxorubicin Chemotherapy

Phase II Trial of Effects of the Nutritional Supplement Sulforaphane on Doxorubicin-Associated Cardiac Dysfunction (CRI18-026)

Purpose: To study if sulforaphane (Avmacol®) reduces heart problems caused by doxorubicin (Adriamycin®) chemotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are planning to receive doxorubicin (Adriamycin®) chemotherapy. You must not have received radiation to your chest, and if your tumor is HER2-positive, you must not be receiving trastuzumab (Herceptin®). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sulforaphane (Avmacol®), by mouth, daily for 3 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests, 7 times in 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Heart function tests, 2 times in 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET scan, 3 times in 1 year</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Placebo</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Placebo for sulforaphane (Avmacol®), by mouth, daily for 3 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests, 7 times in 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Heart function tests, 2 times in 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET scan, 3 times in 1 year</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Some breast cancer treatments can cause or increase the risk of heart problems, which is called cardiotoxicity.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®) is a chemotherapy commonly used to treat breast cancer. It can cause injury to the heart in about 10-20% of patients.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">There is a need to develop new strategies that prevent the harmful effects of doxorubicin (Adriamycin®) but maintain its effectiveness as a cancer therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Sulforaphane (Avmacol®) is an experimental dietary supplement derived from broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. It may keep normal cells healthy and enhance cancer cell sensitivity to doxorubicin (Adriamycin®).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Nutramax Laboratories: Sulforaphane (Avmacol®)</a> </li></ul>

Sulforaphane Nutritional Supplement to Reduce Heart Problems from Doxorubicin Chemotherapy

Phase II Trial of Effects of the Nutritional Supplement Sulforaphane on Doxorubicin-Associated Cardiac Dysfunction (CRI18-026)

Nearest Location:
1185 miles
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Lubbock, TX


At least 7 visits within 1 year

Icon NCT03934905


Phase I-II


A Registry for People with Triple Negative or ER Low, HER2- Breast Cancer or an Inherited BRCA1/2 or Certain Other Mutations

PROspective Evaluation of GErmline Mutations, Cancer Outcome and Tissue Biomarkers: A Registry for Patients With Triple Negative Breast Cancer and Germline Mutations (PROGECT)

Purpose: To learn more about the relationship between genetic mutations and cancer outcomes.

Who is this for?: People with inherited BRCA1/2 mutations or certain other genetic mutations (see list below) and people with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) or ER Low (1%-10% ER) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> This is a data collection (registry) study. You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">1 blood test</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Breast cancer that tests positive for 1%-10% estrogen receptors is called ER Low.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is enrolling people with triple negative as well as ER Low breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Studies have found a relationship between triple negative breast cancer and inherited BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Targets or mutations: BRCA1, BRCA2, PTEN, P53, and PALB2</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>ASCO: Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Susan G. Komen: Inherited Gene Expressions</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NIH Genetics Home Reference: Breast Cancer</a> </li></ul>

A Registry for People with Triple Negative or ER Low, HER2- Breast Cancer or an Inherited BRCA1/2 or Certain Other Mutations

PROspective Evaluation of GErmline Mutations, Cancer Outcome and Tissue Biomarkers: A Registry for Patients With Triple Negative Breast Cancer and Germline Mutations (PROGECT)

Nearest Location:
1251 miles
Hays Medical Center Dreiling-Schmidt Cancer Institute
Hays, KS


1 visit

Icon NCT02302742


Phase NA


Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Heart Problems in People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Neuromodulation of Cardiovascular Risks Associated With Cardiotoxic Chemotherapy: A First in Human Randomized Pilot Study. Neuromodulation in Cancer Study (OU-SCC-NCAN)

Purpose: To study if low level vagus nerve stimulation will improve heart function.

Who is this for?: People at least 50 years old with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have received doxorubicin (Adriamycin®) and/or anti-HER2 targeted therapy within the last 3 months. You must also meet at least 1 of the following criteria: previous chest radiation, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, current smoker, obesity, and/or certain heart conditions. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Heart function tests, 2 times within 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Low level stimulation to one ear with handheld device, 2 weeks</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Placebo</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Heart function tests, 2 times within 2 weeks</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Low level stimulation to one ear (at a different location than group 1) with handheld device, 2 weeks</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Some breast cancer treatments can cause or increase the risk of heart problems, which is called cardiotoxicity.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">These medications include some chemotherapy and anti-HER2 targeted therapy drugs.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stimulation of a nerve called the vagus nerve can have beneficial effects on the heart. Part of the vagus nerve is in the ear.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The vagus nerve stimulation sessions are 1 hour.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Anthracyclines, Anti-HER2 Medications, and Heart Problems</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Parasym: Vagus Nerve Stimulation</a> </li></ul>

Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Heart Problems in People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Neuromodulation of Cardiovascular Risks Associated With Cardiotoxic Chemotherapy: A First in Human Randomized Pilot Study. Neuromodulation in Cancer Study (OU-SCC-NCAN)

Nearest Location:
1387 miles
Stephenson Cancer Center
Oklahoma City, OK


2 visits within 2 weeks

Icon NCT05921253


Phase NA


Studying Nerve Pain from T-DM1 in People with Stage I-IV HER2 Positive Breast Cancer

A Study of the Natural History of Ado-trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1)-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in HER2-positive Breast Cancer Patients

Purpose: To study how trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla®) causes nerve pain in people with and without previous nerve pain.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer who are planning to receive treatment with trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla®). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neuropathy is nerve pain in your hands and feet as a side effect of cancer treatment. Neuropathy is pain from nerve damage.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla®) is an antibody drug conjugate (ADC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">An ADC is a type of therapy that combines an antibody that targets cancer cells with a therapy that can kill cancer cells. Because the antibody only targets cancer cells, the ADC does not kill normal cells, making it less likely to cause side effects.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">T-DM1's antibody targets HER2, a protein that is expressed by some breast cancer cells, and it delivers an anti-cancer drug called emtansine.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla®)</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Nerve Pain</a> </li></ul>

Studying Nerve Pain from T-DM1 in People with Stage I-IV HER2 Positive Breast Cancer

A Study of the Natural History of Ado-trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1)-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in HER2-positive Breast Cancer Patients

Nearest Location:
1455 miles
Sanford Health Worthington
Worthington, MN


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05889988


Phase NA


186RNL Radioactive Drug for People with Leptomeningeal Metastases

A Multicenter Phase 1 Clinical Study to Determine the Maximum Tolerated Dose/Maximum Feasible Dose, Safety,& Efficacy of Single Dose Rhenium-186 NanoLiposome (186RNL) (ReSPECT-LM) Administered Via Intraventricular Catheter for Leptomeningeal Metastases

Purpose: To study the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of rhenium-186 nanoliposome (186RNL), an experimental radionuclide.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the leptomeninges (leptomeningeal metastasis or leptomeningeal disease). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Procedure to place Ommaya reservoir under the scalp</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scan</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed up to 1 week later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Rhenium-186 nanoliposome (186RNL), via Ommaya reservoir, 1 time</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Rhenium-186 nanoliposome (186RNL) is an experimental radionuclide (also called radiopharmaceutical or radioactive drug).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">186RNL may slow or stop cancer cells from growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Ommaya reservoirs are very small plastic devices put under the scalp to give access to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the fluid or liquid surrounding your brain and spinal cord.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, the MRI scans will study the flow of CSF in your body.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Plus Therapeutics: Trial Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Plus Therapeutics: Patient Study Guide</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Plus Therapeutics: 186RNL Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

186RNL Radioactive Drug for People with Leptomeningeal Metastases

A Multicenter Phase 1 Clinical Study to Determine the Maximum Tolerated Dose/Maximum Feasible Dose, Safety,& Efficacy of Single Dose Rhenium-186 NanoLiposome (186RNL) (ReSPECT-LM) Administered Via Intraventricular Catheter for Leptomeningeal Metastases

Nearest Location:
1481 miles
UT Health Science Center San Antonio / Mays Cancer Center
San Antonio, TX


May require surgery

Icon NCT05034497


Phase I


ATX-559 Targeted Therapy for Advanced HER2-/BRCA+ or dMMR/MSI-H Breast Cancer

A Phase 1/2, Open-Label, Dose-Escalation and Expansion First-In-Human Study of ATX-559, an Oral Inhibitor of the Helicase DHX9, in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors and Molecularly Defined Cancers

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, and effects (good and bad) of ATX-559, an experimental DHX9 inhibitor.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer with a BRCA1/2 mutation, or breast cancer with a dMMR or MSI-H mutation. You must have no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ATX-559, by mouth</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">ATX-559 is an experimental targeted therapy called a DHX9 inhibitor. Blocking DHX9 may slow or stop cancer cells from growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Microsatellite instability high (MSI-H) and deficient mismatch repair (dMMR) mutations include MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

ATX-559 Targeted Therapy for Advanced HER2-/BRCA+ or dMMR/MSI-H Breast Cancer

A Phase 1/2, Open-Label, Dose-Escalation and Expansion First-In-Human Study of ATX-559, an Oral Inhibitor of the Helicase DHX9, in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors and Molecularly Defined Cancers

Nearest Location:
1481 miles
NEXT Oncology
San Antonio, TX


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06625515


Phase I


QXL138AM Immunotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A First-in-human Phase 1a/1b Study to Evaluate Safety and Tolerability of QXL138AM in Patients With Locally Advanced Un-resectable and/or Metastatic Solid Tumors and Multiple Myeloma

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, and effects (good and bad) of QXL138AM, an experimental immunotherapy.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer with no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">QXL138AM, by IV, every 2 weeks</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">QXL138AM is an experimental immunotherapy called an immunocytokine (MIC).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Immunocytokines such as QXL138AM may support the immune system's ability to target and kill cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Targeted Oncology: QXL138AM for Pancreatic Cancer</a> </li></ul>

QXL138AM Immunotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

A First-in-human Phase 1a/1b Study to Evaluate Safety and Tolerability of QXL138AM in Patients With Locally Advanced Un-resectable and/or Metastatic Solid Tumors and Multiple Myeloma

Nearest Location:
1481 miles
START San Antonio
San Antonio, TX


1 visit every 2 weeks

Icon NCT06582017


Phase I


EP0062 Hormone Therapy for Advanced ER+, HER2- or HER2 Low, AR+ Breast Cancer

A Modular, Open-Label, Multi-Centre Phase 1/2 Dose-Finding, Optimisation and Expansion Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of EP0062 in Patients With Relapsed Locally Advanced or Metastatic AR+/HER2-/ER+ Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the safety, best dose, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of EP0062, an experimental hormone therapy.

Who is this for?: Postmenopausal women with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) estrogen receptor positive (ER+), HER2 negative (HER2-) or HER2 low, androgen receptor positive (AR+) breast cancer with no standard treatment options available. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">EP0062, by mouth</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for treatment schedule</i></p>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">EP0062 is an experimental type of hormone therapy called a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that targets the androgen receptor (AR).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, HER2 low is defined as IHC 1+ or 2+/FISH-.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Ellipses Pharma: EP0062 Drug Information Page</a> </li></ul>

EP0062 Hormone Therapy for Advanced ER+, HER2- or HER2 Low, AR+ Breast Cancer

A Modular, Open-Label, Multi-Centre Phase 1/2 Dose-Finding, Optimisation and Expansion Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of EP0062 in Patients With Relapsed Locally Advanced or Metastatic AR+/HER2-/ER+ Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
1482 miles
Texas Oncology Baylor University Medical Center
Dallas, TX


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05573126


Phase I-II


Genetic Testing Video for People with Metastatic HER2 Negative Breast Cancer

Efficacy of Point Of Service Testing in Metastatic Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study how watching a video about genetic testing affects people's decisions to receive genetic testing.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will complete the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Watch genetic testing video</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surveys</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Genetic testing looks for changes, sometimes called mutations or variants, in your DNA.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Genetic Testing</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Genetic Counseling</a> </li></ul>

Genetic Testing Video for People with Metastatic HER2 Negative Breast Cancer

Efficacy of Point Of Service Testing in Metastatic Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
1502 miles
The University of Kansas Cancer Center, Westwood Campus
Kansas City, KS


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT03983577


Phase NA


Registry to Study Stage I-IV HER2 Positive Breast Cancer

Prospective Evaluation of Outcomes for HER2-positive Breast Cancer (PRO-HER2)

Purpose: To study HER2 positive breast cancer tumors and outcomes.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage II, or stage IV (metastatic) HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be asked to provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor samples</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood samples</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial will use tumor and blood samples to understand how differences in HER2+ tumors cause differences in treatment response and outcomes.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Registry to Study Stage I-IV HER2 Positive Breast Cancer

Prospective Evaluation of Outcomes for HER2-positive Breast Cancer (PRO-HER2)

Nearest Location:
1502 miles
The University of Kansas Cancer Center
Westwood, KS


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06603597


Phase NA


Circulating Tumor Cells Test to Make Treatment Decisions for Metastatic Breast Cancer

ACT-MBC: A Prospective Observational Impact Study of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in Metastatic Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study whether the CELLSEARCH® Circulating Tumor Cell Test helps doctors make treatment decisions and determine response to treatment.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) estrogen receptor positive (ER+), HER2 negative (HER2-) or triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer. If you have ER+, HER2- breast cancer, you must have received at least 1 line of therapy for metastatic disease. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood sample for CELLSEARCH® Circulating Tumor Cell Test</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed within 1.5 years by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Imaging scans, at least 1 time</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cancer cells from a tumor that circulate in the bloodstream.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The CELLSEARCH® Circulating Tumor Cell Test can detect CTCs in your blood to help your doctor make treatment decisions and determine your response to treatment.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Metastatic Trial Talk: Circulating Tumor Cell Testing</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Menarini Silicon Biosystems: CELLSEARCH® Circulating Tumor Cell Test</a> </li></ul>

Circulating Tumor Cells Test to Make Treatment Decisions for Metastatic Breast Cancer

ACT-MBC: A Prospective Observational Impact Study of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in Metastatic Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
1539 miles
Mayo Clinic Health System Mankato
Mankato, MN


At least 2 visits

Icon NCT05662345


Phase NA


Registry for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer That Has Come Back, or Male Breast Cancer

Collection of Specimens and Clinical Data for Patients With Recurrent or Metastatic Breast Cancer or Male Breast Cancer

Purpose: To create a collection of tissue samples and patient information.

Who is this for?: Women with stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer that has come back (recurred) or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer, and men with breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood sample</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tumor biopsy sample</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Tissue and blood samples and patient information can be used to improve researchers' understanding of the development, progression, and treatment of breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this study, information is being collected about metastatic breast cancer, recurrent breast cancer (breast cancer that has come back), and Male Breast Cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Mayo Clinic: Trial page</a> </li></ul>

Registry for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer That Has Come Back, or Male Breast Cancer

Collection of Specimens and Clinical Data for Patients With Recurrent or Metastatic Breast Cancer or Male Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Rochester, MN


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06217874


Phase NA


Registry of CSF Biomarkers from Lumbar Punctures for Brain Metastasis

Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for Brain Tumors

Purpose: To collect samples of CSF to study brain tumor biomarkers and develop new ways to diagnose, monitor, and treat brain tumors.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lumbar puncture to collect CSF, 2 or more times</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Additional Procedures</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Surveys</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Please contact research site for treatment schedule.</i></p>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is a procedure to collect a sample of fluid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord, called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarkers can indicate the presence or severity of brain tumors.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You may choose to undergo additional lumbar punctures to collect additional CSF samples.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Registry of CSF Biomarkers from Lumbar Punctures for Brain Metastasis

Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for Brain Tumors

Nearest Location:
1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Rochester, MN


2 visits

Icon NCT04692324


Phase NA


Interviews to Understand the Experience and Priorities of People with CNS Metastases

Patient and Caregiver Priorities in Neuro-Oncology Care

Purpose: To study the experience and priorities of people living with brain, spine, and leptomeningeal metastases and their caregivers.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastasis) or leptomeninges (leptomeningeal disease). Your caregiver is also able to participate in the trial (optional). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will complete the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Interviews, 2 times</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">These results will help doctors find areas where patients and caregivers may need more support.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Brain and leptomeningeal metastases are called central nervous system (CNS) metastases.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Interviews to Understand the Experience and Priorities of People with CNS Metastases

Patient and Caregiver Priorities in Neuro-Oncology Care

Nearest Location:
1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Rochester, MN


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT06676306


Phase NA


Headband and Meditation for Improving Anxiety and Insomnia for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Pilot Study of a Wearable EEG Headband as a Meditation Device for Breast Cancer Survivors

Purpose: To study the ability of the MUSE S headband and MUSE phone app to reduce anxiety and insomnia.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who were diagnosed within the last 10 years. You must be experiencing anxiety and insomnia (sleep problems). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MUSE S headband, nightly for 2 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Meditation with MUSE phone app, for at least 5 minutes daily, for 2 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Anxiety and insomnia (sleep problems) are among the most common side effects of breast cancer.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Meditation is an effective tool to decrease stress and anxiety.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The MUSE S headband sends EEG signals to your brain to improve fatigue, quality of life, and stress.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You will be asked to wear the MUSE S headband to bed every night and meditate using the MUSE phone app for at least 5 minutes every day.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Headband and Meditation for Improving Anxiety and Insomnia for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Pilot Study of a Wearable EEG Headband as a Meditation Device for Breast Cancer Survivors

Nearest Location:
1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Rochester, MN


Number of visits unavailable, over 2 months

Icon NCT06274034


Phase NA


Studying Blood Sugar During Hormone Therapy for Postmenopausal Women with Stage 0-IV HR+ Breast Cancer

Impact of Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy on Glucose Homeostasis and Diabetes Risk

Purpose: To study the effect of hormone therapy on blood sugar.

Who is this for?: Postmenopausal women with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) hormone receptor positive (ER+ and/or PR+) breast cancer who are receiving (within 6 months of starting) or planning to receive an aromatase inhibitor or tamoxifen (Nolvadex®), as well as postmenopausal women without breast cancer. You must not have diabetes. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood sugar tests, 2 times within 1 year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Body composition scan</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Phone calls, 2 times in 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Results from people with breast cancer will be compared to people without breast cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Studying Blood Sugar During Hormone Therapy for Postmenopausal Women with Stage 0-IV HR+ Breast Cancer

Impact of Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy on Glucose Homeostasis and Diabetes Risk

Nearest Location:
1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Rochester, MN


At least 2 times within 1 year

Icon NCT06557057


Phase NA


Lymphedema, Quality of Life, and Shoulder Function for Women with Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

A Correlational Study: Breast Cancer-Related Chest Wall Lymphedema, Quality of Life, and Shoulder Function

Purpose: To study how swelling in the chest following breast cancer treatment may affect quality of life and shoulder function.

Who is this for?: Women with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have received surgery. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Chest wall and breast lymphedema measurements</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lymphedema is abnormal swelling in the arm, hand, breast, or torso that develops as a side effect of breast cancer treatments like surgery and radiation therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lymphedema can affect a person's quality of life and shoulder function and can persist for a long time.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Lymphedema, Quality of Life, and Shoulder Function for Women with Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

A Correlational Study: Breast Cancer-Related Chest Wall Lymphedema, Quality of Life, and Shoulder Function

Nearest Location:
1615 miles
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Rochester, MN


1 visit

Icon NCT06285747


Phase NA


Phone Survey to Improve Telemedicine Visits for Brain Metastasis

Patient Perceptions Around Quality of Care Through Telemedicine in Neuro-Oncology

Purpose: To compare opinions of telemedicine (virtual) visits and in-person visits to improve telemedicine (virtual) visits.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the brain (brain metastases) who had at least 2 visits at the MD Anderson Cancer Center Brain and Spine Center. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Survey, by phone</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">During the phone survey, you will be asked about your opinions on the quality of care you received at your telemedicine (virtual) or in-person visits.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Telemedicine visits are also called virtual visits.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Phone Survey to Improve Telemedicine Visits for Brain Metastasis

Patient Perceptions Around Quality of Care Through Telemedicine in Neuro-Oncology

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX


No visits required

Icon NCT04988009


Phase NA


Studying the Effects of Tamoxifen in People with ER+ Breast Cancer

Neutrophil Functions in Breast Cancer

Purpose: To study the long-term effects of tamoxifen (Nolvadex®) on excessive production of neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) and their impact on breast cancer and side effects.

Who is this for?: Pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer receiving treatment with tamoxifen for at least 6 months. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood samples</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) are produced by the body to fight infections but have also been linked to side effects caused by the body's immune system.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Treatment with tamoxifen (Nolvadex®) increases the production of NETs.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: Tamoxifen (Nolvadex®)</a> </li></ul>

Studying the Effects of Tamoxifen in People with ER+ Breast Cancer

Neutrophil Functions in Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX


Number of visits unavailable

Icon NCT05056857


Phase NA


Virtual Health Coaching for People with Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

Comprehensive Outcomes for After Cancer Health (COACH): The Feasibility and Impact of an mHealth Augmented Coaching Program for Self-Management in Cancer Survivors

Purpose: To study the use of virtual health coaching to improve well-being, including management of other health conditions, mental and social wellness, and healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Who is this for?: People with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer, and people without a history of breast cancer. If you have stage 0-III breast cancer, you must have completed treatment within the last year. If you have metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer, you must have been diagnosed with metastatic disease within the past year. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Immediately Start Coaching</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Virtual health coaching, up to 4 times weekly, during first 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Provide stool samples, 2 times within 6 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires during second 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Wear a FitBit, 1 year</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Delayed Start Coaching</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires during first 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Provide stool samples, 2 times within 6 months</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Virtual health coaching, up to 4 times weekly, during second 6 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Wear a FitBit, 1 year</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This program aims to support people's ability to manage their symptoms and their general wellness (including physical, mental, and social well-being, as well as following healthcare recommendations).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Coaching consists of weekly calls and information about exercise, physical health, emotional health, and financial health.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This study is also studying the relationship between symptoms and gut health and if coaching improves gut health.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">People that live in your household who do not have cancer will also be eligible to participate in this study.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Virtual Health Coaching for People with Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

Comprehensive Outcomes for After Cancer Health (COACH): The Feasibility and Impact of an mHealth Augmented Coaching Program for Self-Management in Cancer Survivors

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
UT Health Houston
Houston, TX


At least 2 visits within 1 year

Icon NCT05349227


Phase NA


Developing a Nervous System Exam for People With Leptomeningeal Metastasis

Standardized Clinical Assessment of Patients With Leptomeningeal Metastasis (NANO-LM)

Purpose: To develop a nervous system (neurological) exam for people with leptomeningeal metastases.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the leptomeninges (leptomeningeal metastasis or leptomeningeal disease). View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Nervous system exam</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The nervous system exam being developed in this study may be used in clinical trials and routine care.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Developing a Nervous System Exam for People With Leptomeningeal Metastasis

Standardized Clinical Assessment of Patients With Leptomeningeal Metastasis (NANO-LM)

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX


1 visit

Icon NCT06417710


Phase NA


2 Dosing Schedules of Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Spine Metastasis

Single Versus Multifraction Salvage Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Previously Irradiated Spinal Metastases: a Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial

Purpose: To compare the safety, effects (good and bad), and anti-cancer activity of 2 dosing schedules of stereotactic radiosurgery.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer that has spread to the spine (spine metastasis) and has progressed after treatment with radiation therapy. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiosurgery, 1 dose within 1 day</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiosurgery, 3 doses within 3 days</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Additional Procedures</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">MRI scans</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neurological exams</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Physical exams</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Stereotactic radiation (stereotactic radiosurgery) delivers high-dose, precisely-targeted radiation in fewer doses than traditional radiation therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">In this trial, experimental stereotactic radiosurgery is received in 1 larger dose.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care stereotactic radiosurgery is received over 3 smaller doses.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan produces body pictures created by using magnetic energy rather than x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Neurological exams will check the functioning of your nerves, including your strength and sensation.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MD Anderson Cancer Center: Spinal Tumor Treatment</a> </li></ul>

2 Dosing Schedules of Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Spine Metastasis

Single Versus Multifraction Salvage Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Previously Irradiated Spinal Metastases: a Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX


1-3 days, then every 3-6 months for 2 years

Icon NCT03028337


Phase II


An Experimental PET/CT Scan to Find PARP-Expressing Tumor Cells

Serial Imaging of the Novel Radiotracer [^18F] FLuorthanatrace ([^18F] FTT) by PET/CT

Purpose: To study the safety and effectiveness of using a PET/CT scan with the experimental tracer F-18.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer or DCIS. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">F-18 tracer, by IV, then a PET/CT scan</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tracer used in this imaging trial is called fluorine F 18 fluorthanatrace (F-18)--it binds to PARP expressing tumor cells (PARP is a protein over expressed in certain cancers). </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You do not need to have an inherited BRCA1/2 mutation to enroll in this trial but researchers are studying whether F-18 works better in inherited BRCA1/2+ cancers. </li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of solid tumors.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Cleveland Clinic: PET Scan</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>NCI Drug Dictionary: Fluorine F 18 Fluorthanatrace</a> </li></ul>

An Experimental PET/CT Scan to Find PARP-Expressing Tumor Cells

Serial Imaging of the Novel Radiotracer [^18F] FLuorthanatrace ([^18F] FTT) by PET/CT

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX


1 to 2 visits

Icon NCT03604315


Phase I


Data Collection to Study Proton Therapy Side Effects

Data Collection to Assess Acute and Late Normal Tissue Sequelae in Proton Therapy for Adults

Purpose: To help researchers predict the risk of side effects of proton therapy and understand the long-term benefit of proton therapy.

Who is this for?: People with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are planning to receive proton therapy at University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Review of side effects, weekly during proton therapy, then 1-4 visits every year</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires, weekly during proton therapy, then every 2 weeks for 3 months</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">You will be monitored for safety and side effects during the visits.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>American Society for Clinical Oncology: Proton Therapy</a> </li></ul>

Data Collection to Study Proton Therapy Side Effects

Data Collection to Assess Acute and Late Normal Tissue Sequelae in Proton Therapy for Adults

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX


1 visit every week until end of proton therapy, then 1-4 visits every year

Icon NCT00991094


Phase NA


Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Immunotherapy-Related Diarrhea or Colitis in People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) for Immune-Checkpoint Inhibitor Induced-Diarrhea/Colitis in Genitourinary Cancer Patients

Purpose: To study the ability of a fecal microbiota transplantation to improve immune checkpoint inhibitor-related diarrhea and colitis.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who developed diarrhea and/or colitis after receiving treatment with dostarlimab (Jemperli®) or pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) immune checkpoint inhibitors. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Loperamide, by mouth, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 4 hours later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Fecal microbiota transplantation during colonoscopy, 1 time</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A fecal microbiota transplantation consists of taking healthy bacteria (microbiota or microbiome) from the feces or stool of a healthy donor and transferring them to the colon of the recipient during a colonoscopy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a flexible camera is inserted through the anus to examine the colon/intestines.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Loperamide is a drug used to treat diarrhea.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Colitis is inflammation of the colon/intestines.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Your body is home to many bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which are collectively called the microbiome.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with other types of cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MD Anderson Cancer Center: Trial Information Page</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Johns Hopkins Medicine: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>MedlinePlus: Loperamide</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Metastatic Trial Talk: Update on Immunotherapy for MBC: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors</a> </li></ul>

Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Immunotherapy-Related Diarrhea or Colitis in People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) for Immune-Checkpoint Inhibitor Induced-Diarrhea/Colitis in Genitourinary Cancer Patients

Nearest Location:
1643 miles
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX


5 visits within 3 months

Icon NCT04038619


Phase I


PET/CT Scans to Detect PSMA+ Cells for Women with Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Evaluation of PSMA Expression in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients Using 18 F-DCFPyL-PET/CT

Purpose: To use PET/CT scans to measure the amount of prostate specific membrane antigen positive (PSMA+) breast cancer cells.

Who is this for?: Women with stage IV (metastatic) triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-) breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan with FDG tracer, 1 time</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> followed 2-3 days later by: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scan with Pyl tracer, 1 time</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is not only expressed in prostate cancer cells, but also other types of cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Researchers think that some metastatic triple negative breast cancer cells are PSMA positive (PSMA+).</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">If so, people with metastatic triple negative breast cancer that is PSMA+ may respond to some PSMA targeted therapies.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">FDG and Pyl are radioactive tracers that are given in a vein before PET/CT scans to help identify areas of active cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

PET/CT Scans to Detect PSMA+ Cells for Women with Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Evaluation of PSMA Expression in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients Using 18 F-DCFPyL-PET/CT

Nearest Location:
1655 miles
University of Iowa Healthcare
Iowa City, IA


2 visits in 1 week

Icon NCT06586047


Phase NA


Blood Test to Understand How Bone Marrow Cells Affect Breast Cancer

Megakaryocytes and Platelets, Harmful or Helpful in Breast Cancer Cell Metastasis

Purpose: To study the relationship between cells in the bone marrow that make platelets and breast cancer cells.

Who is this for?: Women newly diagnosed with stage 0 (DCIS or LCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who have not yet received treatment, as well as women without breast cancer. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will provide the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood sample, 1 time</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Platelets are needed for blood clotting.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Platelets and the cells in the bone marrow that make them may be helpful or harmful in breast cancer and the spread of breast cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Blood Test to Understand How Bone Marrow Cells Affect Breast Cancer

Megakaryocytes and Platelets, Harmful or Helpful in Breast Cancer Cell Metastasis

Nearest Location:
1675 miles
Mayo Clinic Health System-Franciscan Healthcare
La Crosse, WI


1 visit

Icon NCT06011824


Phase NA


Biomarkers to Detect Resistance to Hormone Therapy for Advanced HR+, HER2- Lobular Breast Cancer

Integrating Minimally Invasive Biomarkers of Estrogen Signaling to Detect Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Metastatic Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer

Purpose: To identify possible biomarkers of response to hormone therapy for advanced lobular breast cancer.

Who is this for?: People with advanced (some stage III) or metastatic (stage IV) hormone receptor positive (ER+ or ER low and/or PR+ or PR low), HER2 negative (HER2-) lobular breast cancer (LBC) who are planning to receive hormone therapy. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">PET/CT scans with 18F-FFNP, by IV, 2 times, at baseline and at 1 month</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests, 2 times, at baseline and at 1 month</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Biomarkers are genes, molecules, or other features present in a person, including in a person’s tumor, that tell doctors something about a person’s health condition.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer that can look for and attach to cancer cells.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The tracer used in this study is 18F-FFNP.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">A computed tomography (CT) scan produces body pictures created by x-ray energy. MRI scans study the blood vessels in the tumor. PET/CT scans study if the tumor cells are growing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The blood samples will be used to conduct DNA and circulating tumor cell (CTC) testing.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cancer cells from a tumor that circulate in the bloodstream.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>National Cancer Institute: Biomarker Testing</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> PET Scans</a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'> CT Scans</a> </li></ul>

Biomarkers to Detect Resistance to Hormone Therapy for Advanced HR+, HER2- Lobular Breast Cancer

Integrating Minimally Invasive Biomarkers of Estrogen Signaling to Detect Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Metastatic Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer

Nearest Location:
1678 miles
UW Carbone Cancer Center
Madison, WI


2 visits within 1 month

Icon NCT06067503


Phase II


Occupational Therapy to Improve Quality of Life for Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

Occupational Resilience: A Pilot Trial for a Preliminary Estimate of the Effectiveness of a Novel Theoretical Framework

Purpose: To study whether an occupational therapy program helps people with breast cancer stay active and improve their quality of life.

Who is this for?: People with stage 0 (DCIS), stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer that was diagnosed within the last 6 months. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Occupational therapy, virtual and in-home sessions, weekly for 3 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Control</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Virtual meetings, 1.5 hours, 3 times within 3 months</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The occupational therapy program includes education on the benefits of activities and ways to continue participating in activities.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">These activities may include group physical exercise, healthy meal preparation, meditation, yoga, guided imagery, music (listening and/or performance), and dance.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This trial is also enrolling people with prostate cancer.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Occupational Therapy to Improve Quality of Life for Stage 0-IV Breast Cancer

Occupational Resilience: A Pilot Trial for a Preliminary Estimate of the Effectiveness of a Novel Theoretical Framework

Nearest Location:
1682 miles
University of Arkansas for Medical Science
Fayetteville, AR


Up to 1 visit every week for 3 months

Icon NCT06461416


Phase NA


Surgery to Improve Lymphedema for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

The LYMPH Trial - Comparing Microsurgical With Conservative Treatment of Chronic Breast Cancer Associated Lymphedema: Study Protocol of a Pragmatic Randomized International Multicentre Superiority Trial

Purpose: To study the ability of lymphatic surgery to improve quality of life compared to standard of care treatment.

Who is this for?: People with stage I, stage II, stage III, or stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer who are experiencing lymphedema for at least 3 months. You must have received lymphedema treatment for at least 3 months. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: </p> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 1: Experimental</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lymphatic surgery, 1-2 times</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li> </ul> <p class="seamTextPara"> <i class="seamTextEmphasis">Group 2: Standard of Care</i> </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Conservative complex physical decongestion therapy</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Questionnaires</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lymphedema is abnormal swelling in the arm, hand, breast, or torso that develops as a side effect of breast cancer treatments like surgery and radiation therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Standard of care treatment for lymphedema is called conservative complex physical decongestion therapy.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">This includes manual massage to increase lymph drainage, local compression with bandages and garments, physical exercise, and careful skin care. However, these treatments are not always successful and only address symptoms.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Lymphatic surgery may be able to address the cause of lymphedema to drain and restore the flow of lymph fluid.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li></ul>

Surgery to Improve Lymphedema for People with Stage I-IV Breast Cancer

The LYMPH Trial - Comparing Microsurgical With Conservative Treatment of Chronic Breast Cancer Associated Lymphedema: Study Protocol of a Pragmatic Randomized International Multicentre Superiority Trial

Nearest Location:
1739 miles
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Saint Louis, MO


Coincides with surgery or routine care

Icon NCT05890677


Phase NA


DiviTum Blood Test to Determine Additional Testing for People with Metastatic HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer

TK IMPACT: Treatment Monitoring of Patients Receiving CDK 4/6 Inhibitors for Hormone Receptor (HR) Positive, HER2 Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) With or Without the Addition of DiviTum® Serum Thymidine Kinase 1 (TK1) Activity Testing: Physician Decision Impact Study

Purpose: To study whether the DiviTum® blood test affects your doctor's decision to conduct additional tumor tests or imaging.

Who is this for?: People with metastatic (stage IV) hormone positive (HR+), HER2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer receiving or planning to receive their first line of therapy for metastatic disease with hormone therapy and a CDK 4/6 inhibitor at Washington University School of Medicine Siteman Cancer Center. View full eligibility criteria

What's involved?

<p class="seamTextPara"> You will receive the following: </p> <ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Blood tests, every 2-4 weeks for 6 months, then every 3 months for 2.5 years</li></ul>

What's being studied?

<ul class="seamTextUnorderedList"> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">The DiviTum® TKa test measures TK1 activity in your blood, which may indicate the rate your cancer is growing and the need for additional tests.</li> <li class="seamTextUnorderedListItem">Premenopausal and perimenopausal women and men will also be given a drug that will put women in temporary menopause.</li></ul>

How can I learn more?

<ul class='seamTextUnorderedList'><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'>View eligibility criteria and additional trial information: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> </li><li class='seamTextUnorderedListItem'><a href='' target='_blank'>Biovica: DiviTum® Test</a> </li></ul>

DiviTum Blood Test to Determine Additional Testing for People with Metastatic HR+, HER2- Breast Cancer

TK IMPACT: Treatment Monitoring of Patients Receiving CDK 4/6 Inhibitors for Hormone Receptor (HR) Positive, HER2 Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) With or Without the Addition of DiviTum® Serum Thymidine Kinase 1 (TK1) Activity Testing: Physician Decision Impact Study

Nearest Location:
1739 miles
Washington University School of Medicine
Saint Louis, MO